Thursday, February 28, 2008

thursday random

1. The Smurfs first season is out on DVD. I am soo loving this.
2. I perfer drinking out of larger straws.
3. Spell check is finally back up.
4. Both babies are still feverish from their shots. (see post below)
5. I am freezing. It is 24 degrees out. I can't find my slippers.
6. I am working on a mile long Walmart list for tomorrow.
7. Jason had Lucky Charms for breakfast. I am having coffee.
8. I am currently working on 3 mini albums.
9. I just watched From Dusk Till Dawn. Love that Tarantino.


julieann said...

Just a few things about this post:
1.Love,love,love the Smurfs!!!!
2.I realized today that I do not like a larger straw, thanks Mandy:)
3.I am not too sad that it is 24 degrees there! I have not seen the sun for days & we have so much snow on the ground I don't think it will ever melt!!

Mandi said...

I am also working on the mile-long list from wal-mart... I like bigger straws too, but am more excited for 101 Dalmations comeing out than the smurfs.