After Thanksgiving, and spending it with 6 nieces and nephews, I needed a way to store their photos all together. I did this title page for a small 4x6 SEI album. This will be the only scrapping through out the album. (I might alter the cover.) I am just adding the photos. They are all so exquisite that I wanted the focus to be on them. Had a very lazy Sunday and totally enjoyed it! Update: I added the photo of the cover too!
Mandy, Mandy, Mandy...girl you have been so present on my blog. Anytime I post you pop right up! Thanks girl!!! It means a whole lot. You album is slammin' feeling the orange and green A LOT!!!! Say, It is good sometimes to give the embellishments a back seat sometimes. Good lookin'!
Chat with you soon kay? -Karla
Mandy, Mandy, Mandy...girl you have been so present on my blog. Anytime I post you pop right up! Thanks girl!!! It means a whole lot. You album is slammin' feeling the orange and green A LOT!!!! Say, It is good sometimes to give the embellishments a back seat sometimes. Good lookin'!
Chat with you soon kay? -Karla
Mandy, Mandy, Mandy...girl you have been so present on my blog. Anytime I post you pop right up! Thanks girl!!! It means a whole lot. You album is slammin' feeling the orange and green A LOT!!!! Say, It is good sometimes to give the embellishments a back seat sometimes. Good lookin'!
Chat with you soon kay? -Karla
That is a great way to keep them all. Great job...your the greatest. Love coming here for inspiration.
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