Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Morning.

This is me this morning. Trying to finish Eclipse for the 2nd time. I am 70%+ into it. I am ready for the movie. I will re read Breaking Dawn too, but not next. I have a library book, Dog's, and then a classic.

Last night Jason had soccer and the boy's brought home Subway. Then they all had baths and were off to bed so Daddy and I could watch some Idol. I went to bed at 10 and fell asleep with the my ipod on and in my ears.

Tonight I am going to see The Last Song wich hit theaters today. I read the book a few weeks ago, Thanks to Aimee : ) Loved it and am excited about the movie. It's showing at 9:50. I always go to the late showings so all the boys are in bed before I leave. Tonight I will have popcorn and a root beer.

I talked to the pediatrician and she is putting in a referral for a speech evaluation for Ryan. I don't think he's behind, just quite. We will see if he's right where he needs to be or if he needs a little help.

We have a house lined up in Minnesota. It's ours 99%. We are just waiting till we do a walk through to make sure it is what we want. Other than that, it's ours.

I also found what school Jason will attend, and he is even able to be bused. Even though we are only 2.58 miles from the school. That's a talk his daddy and I will have to have. I am not sure I want to hand over my child to a bus driver. And I have seen, first hand, the bullying that goes on in buses: Spiderman.

We are all set for Seaworld too. Our reservations are made at the hotel and we have our tickets. We will leave Tuesday morning. We are also going to the Kennedy Space Center. The hubby really wanted to see it too.

I am cursing Hershey's for making the mini Whopper Easter eggs that I can eat by the handful.

Jason is such a goof. He told his dad last night that he wants a cell phone at 10 to call Will, me and his dad. But when he's a little older "like 10 and a half" he's going to call all his friends too. This weekend I asked Jason to eat a strawberry. He said he would for $50 bucks. I said okay. Two teeny-weeny bites later, he decided he really didn't need the money.

I posted a bunch of photos to flickr yesterday.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If it's broke, fix it.

We are home from and Zach has his cast on. He goes back on April 8th for a check up, but the doctor wasn't sure when it would come off. It is heavy, and hard. Poor little guy. He did fine getting it wrapped. And it doesn't seem to bother him at all. More photos up on flickr.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The official Eclipse poster was released today. Click here to see it. There are only 98 days till it hits theaters, not that I am counting or anything.

I watched New Moon this morning, finally. It left me wanting more so I am re-reading Eclipse.

Jason would like the Easter Bunny to bring him a basketball and a Wii game. That sounds pretty reasonable. Last night he finished Magic Tree House book number 5 and has started book 6.

Not only did my lens arrive yesterday so did my purse. Today I am busy organizing it all.

We had McD's for an after school snack.

Tonight Jason has soccer practice.

Zachary goes back tomorrow morning to have his arm casted.

We have added The Kennedy Space Center to our Spring Break in Orlando. Daddy really wanted to go there. We have reservations at a hotel near everything and we plan on eating at Hard Rock and Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville.

I have a package that needs to get to the post office. Ugh.

We need a box of Pampers $20 and 2 gallons of milk $6. I think we need dog food too.

Monday, March 22, 2010

All on a Monday morning.

I was up last night with Zach from 2:20-4:35.

We took him to his pediatrician, who referred him to an orthopedic specialist. We see him at 1:30 but were told to "be prepared to wait" because they were squeezing us in. I am thinking, "Hello, the kid has a broken arm. Try not to do us any favors!" So I will be stuck their with all three kids and Jacques for hours.

The fun news is that we got a disc of the X rays so I hope I can post them later.

My lens arrived.

It looks like more rain.

Ryan will not nap. Nor with Zach, but I am less worried about getting him one because he will conk out in the van.

I talked to Lewis and Grandma.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Dakes minus One.

Jason didn't want to participate in annoying family photos. He busted his lip before we took them. The only photo I had with both boys on our laps was blurry and got deleted. I will add more to flickr tomorrow.


A BIG thank you to Aimee who made me the new blog banner that you see above.

It's March 19th which means you will find me at Walmart tonight at midnight, and the few hours leading up to midnight, to get my copy of New Moon. It's on tonight. Teeny Boppers Beware!

We took Lincoln to the vet last night because he chews at his paws very roughly. We found out the he has allergies and is allergic to pollen. Can you imagine? He is now on human Zyrtec and Benadryl. High maintenance pup. I wonder if Vicodin will be next? What a pill popper.

Zach will not stop licking the bottom of his shoes. Not sure what else to say about that.

I think when we get to Mankato, if they have a Sam's, I will get a membership. It sort of makes sense to buy in bulk with 4 boys in the house.

I am growing my hair out, and seriously need a color.

Jacques had a 6 mile run this morning. Ouch. He was up at 4:30 and running by 5 a.m. Glad I was home in bed, snuggled up with Zach, who had his feet in my spine.

I got a super cute new wallet last night at Target to go with my super new cute purse camera bag. Jacques was pestering me about buying yet another purse, so I have to keep reminding him that it's a camera bag.

I really want to call Lewis, but am certain he is still in bed.

We had a termite inspection done yesterday. All was well. Wheew!

Tomorrow is Jason's first soccer game and he is finished with karate.

I am 47% into my 13th novel of 2010. I would like to read at least 40 this year.

I just finished Catcher in the Rye last week, not a classic I would recommend. Ugh. 214 pages of whining. And to think they banned it. Lame.

Julie and Ryan- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Enjoy your day.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Warning: White Couch Owners!

Zachary. Not that you needed me to tell you that. It was Zachary. This morning. A lovely surprise. I was in the kitchen, he was unattended. Need I say more? I loved this white couch. We drove 4 hours to Atlanta to get it from Ikea. It's ruined. This certain make does not have a fitted cover. This is precisely why parents of young children should not own white couches or anything lovely for that matter. Just wait till they are in college before you buy anything nice. Anything you don't want ruined. Kids are the best! I need three more. Happy Saturday!

On Opening Night.

I saw this in the theater last night. It was really long at 1 hour and 53 minutes. I didn't know that before hand. There were lots of cute lines through out the show. I thought the actress was as cute as a speckled pup. And Edward, ummmm, Pattinson was great. I loved seeing him as a grunge college kid. That's hot. He even made smoking sexy. Pierce Brosnan was in it as well. Not to mention some heavy-duty kissing scenes and then some ; )

I realized at 94% into the movie, I still didn't know why it was called Remember Me. I was also thinking I would just recommend to my friends to wait till it came out on dvd. But then the last 5-8 minutes made the movie.

That being said, I went into the movie knowing NOTHING about it so it was a huge kick in the gut the minute "I knew" and put it all together. For those of you who have read any reviews, scripts or by any means, know the ending, It will NOT have such an impact on you.

BELL- PLEASE do not read up on the movie. Just go see it if you get the chance or wait till it's out on dvd. BUT do not discuss it with anyone who may ruin it for you.

I went with a friend who bought us the tickets. I spent $17 on 2 sodas and a popcorn. And there were maybe 15 people total in the theater.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Wonderful

I woke up wanting to have a positive attitude today. Even after being up more than eight times last night with Ryan from 12:30-2:30 a.m. Bulletproof Positive, as Kal would say. And I have been. I am just letting everything roll right off my back including the fact that Zach won't nap. I also chose not to cuss today. Lately my mouth sounds like a sailor, not a mommy. I know it's awful especially with little ears around, but I feel like it's the only way I can vent my frustration. It's not. I am going to resolve it. It's 121 and there has been no foul words out of my mouth yet.

Jason had his 6 month dentist check up and I am happy that he has an amazing mouth full of perfect teeth. When we got home, I had a surprise Star Wars Lego kit for him.

The Eclipse movie trailer tease came out today. All 11 seconds of it that stopped my heart. I can't wait and I already have a movie date : ) Jordyn, are you ready? There are only 111 more days to go. Note the stellar countdown on the sidebar. -------->

HELLO- Not to mention that New Moon comes to video in 10 days. Yes, I will be out at midnight with all the ohter teeny boppers to get my copy.

I watched Couples Retreat yesterday with Vince Vaughn. Love him. Laughed my ass off occasionally.

Quote of the Day: "The harder I work, the more money I make, the bigger the diamonds." -Gene Simmons.

I totally love Dog the Bounty Hunter. I read his book last year and like him even more. Mullets can totally be pulled off, classy yet chic.

One goal of 2010 was to learn to sew zipper pouches. I first need to learn to sew a straight line. Bell hooked me up with a sewing machine now I just need to put it to use.. Maybe I will search for a super simple tutorial later.

This year I have read 11 books and 2 short stories. I am currently reading book 12, Ordinary World. I have a classic lined up next and a nonfiction vegan read. Last year this far in I had only read 8 by April.

To keep up the Bulletproof Positive, I am going to pick up Jason and grab a treat while we are out and about.

JULIE- I have an email in drafts for you.

AIMEE- You will get one too.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Twin Tuesday.

Ryan is so much bigger than Zach, by height and weight. He is not a talker, and content to play on his own. Unless dad is home, then he clings to him nonstop. But some days, he can be very emotional, not knowing what he wants. He takes great 2 hour naps daily. He still goes to bed at 8 on his own, wide awake. He wakes up 3-5 times a night though for more sippies. A habit that seriously needs broken, so this momma can get some sleep. He loves blankets and if he can find one, he will walk around saying, "nite nite." He loves playing trains, watching Thomas or Barney. He gets upset the moment you scold him, super sensitive. He has no interest in the potty at all yet. He is not a good eater. Some days he barely eats, but when he eats.. he eats! He is finally eating Cheeze Its and Goldfish. Loves breads. He also has this habit of hiding this behind the tv stand. There are trains, toys, and blocks back there. He loves baths and trains in the bath. It combines his two favorite hobbies.

Zachary. Trouble. That sums him up. I could stop there. But I will go on. He is into licking things. The bottom of shoes. The wall. The floor. You pant leg. He's weird. He is also showing a career path in the Pampered Chef industry as he "cooks" daily with my utensils and pots. (All which I have to wash after he has had them, thus piling up the dishes even more.) He can get into the child locked cabinets, the dvd storage area where he shoves dvds in the vcr and vise versa. He is rocking the potty, going all day and waking me up through out the night to go. He is NOT a good napper, and does not go down at night without a fight. Every night. He also wakes up through out the night 3-5 times. Not fun. He continually gets into the dogs water bowl. When he has something he shouldn't, you will find him tummy to the ground, laying on whatever he shouldn't have. He also goes into this position if you catch him with something. He is a much better eater than Ryan. He doesn't respond to scoldings. He looks at you like,"What you wanna yell at me?" He could care less if you spank his bottom. He eats Dum Dum suckers like crazy. But they are sugar free, so no complaints here. He also loves the word "bacon." He is a great talker and will repeat almost anything you ask him to say. He is putting small phrases together. In the middle of the night, when I give him his milk I hear, "tank you." Cute. He loves his burp rags, which he calls "raggie" and we prop it under his chin. He's a drooler. It's also good for snot.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


We had a lazy start to our day. Breakfast, cartoons, naps.. Then we got out to run some errands. More photos tomorrow.

We had to get the babies new shoes. Two pairs of toddler shoes that cost me $73.83 and that was after the 50% off one pair. After checking out, the clerk reminded me that they would last the boys about 3 months before they would out grow them. Nice.

We stopped at Babies R Us because we needed some sippy cups. 4 cups and $12 dollars later, we headed to Carrabba's Italian Grill for lunch. As our food arrived, Ryan started to act up causing Jacques to leave the restaurant with him. He never returned so I had his boxed to go.

Then it was home for some rest, photos and outside play. Later we ran to Starbucks for some frapps and back home for baths and bed. Two of three are asleep. I need to move laundry around. Then I am off to bed with a book.

Tonight I decided that when I grow up, I want to work for National Geographic as a photographer. Imagine the things I could see. The places I could travel. The hubby always suggest that I open my own studio, but now I am thinking bigger. However, I may need to start out lower on the photo employment chain. Say with the state paper or maybe photographing grocery products for weekly sales flyers.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Off With Their Heads..

It cost me $25 dollars for two tickets, another $14 for a popcorn and soda for Jason and I. BUT this was the best movie ever. Jason can't stop talking about it. The Hatter was the best and the Red Queen was my favorite. I admire anyone who wants world domination. It's always been on my to do list.

What's funny is after we set down and the movie started, Jason had a couple quick questions. It had not dawned on me, till then, that he did not know the story of Alice. I just assumed he did, but it makes since that he didn't, he's a boy. On the way home, I told him today that we could watch the cartoon. He was like, "There's a cartoon?" Funny. I think he plans to attened the show again today, with his dad. Lucky Duck. I want to see it again.

Movie Trivia: Did you know supposedly that the story Alice in Wonderland was written about an acid trip?