Saturday, March 06, 2010

Off With Their Heads..

It cost me $25 dollars for two tickets, another $14 for a popcorn and soda for Jason and I. BUT this was the best movie ever. Jason can't stop talking about it. The Hatter was the best and the Red Queen was my favorite. I admire anyone who wants world domination. It's always been on my to do list.

What's funny is after we set down and the movie started, Jason had a couple quick questions. It had not dawned on me, till then, that he did not know the story of Alice. I just assumed he did, but it makes since that he didn't, he's a boy. On the way home, I told him today that we could watch the cartoon. He was like, "There's a cartoon?" Funny. I think he plans to attened the show again today, with his dad. Lucky Duck. I want to see it again.

Movie Trivia: Did you know supposedly that the story Alice in Wonderland was written about an acid trip?

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I heard that a few years ago. I believe it. lol