Friday, February 27, 2009

Soccer Season 4 Starts Tomorrow.

things that make me go grrrrrrrrrrrr!

-doorbell ringing repetitively while babies are napping.
-ryan waking up from said doorbell.
-it being an IRS man at the wrong address.
-finding out the energy bill is $361.00
-trying to get ahead, but always held back.
-black crayola on white desk.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How Last Night Went for Me.

9:30 In bed, Book Open.
9:33 Ryan Needs Bottle.
9:35 Back In bed, Book Open.
9:37 Ryan wants up. Take him to his Dad.
9:59 Lights Out for Me.
10:18 Up with Zachary until 12:33
12:40 Me back into bed.
2:00 Up with Ryan.
2:30 Ask Jacques to take over Ryan.
2:40 He lays Ryan down.. Instantly Zachary wakes up.
2:45 I take Zachary spend the rest on night in recliner.
6:15 Up.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I have 5 books on hold at the library.

I have 100 photos needing picked up at Walgreens.

Jason's Joke: "Mom, A duck walked into a restaurant and ordered a steak. The waiter brought it over and the duck said, "Put it on my bill."

I have had 2 poopy diapers already and it is only 8:07 am.

And there were 2 more by 11:30 am.

Tonight Jason has Karate, Tomorrow Soccer Practice.

Watched the movie Definitely, Maybe today. 3 stars. Good, but not something I would watch over and over.

Oatmeal, coffee and water for breakfast.

Ryan napped 9:47-11:00

Zachary napped 9:47- 11:26

1884 Amazing: A page from Teddy Roosevelt's Diary on the day his wife died.

To Dos: Update Photo Albums, Baby Books.

Current Read: Steinbeck's East of Eden, Obviously not on Kindle.

Read the article on Mamou here and here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday Facts.

Today I saw in the February issue of Southern Living on page 28, there is an article on Mamou, Louisiana. That is the Hubby's home town. It is a neat write up on how they celebrate Mardi Gras. I will scan it in another day.

Today the babies were quiet and playing nicely so I took that time to do dishes.. I should of known that quiet babies means that something is being destroyed. It was 3 blinds that will now all need replaced.

I absolutely LOVE Taco Bell and Arby's. The Hubby does not.

I picked up an issue of Martha Stewart's magazine yesterday. There was an article on packing for vacation. As I am reading, she tells about how she packs and where it goes.. Then I turn the page, and there is a picture of her Kindle that she "takes everywhere." Grrrr. It is haunting me..

Yesterday I went online trying to read reviews of a book that I want to read. I get a pop up. I hate pop ups. It said "Read this book NOW in 60 seconds on your Kindle." Ughh. Go Away.

I have lost 16 pounds in the 27 days.

Jason's schedule is super busy with speech 2 days a week, soccer 2 days a week, karate 4 days a week and school 5 days a week. Plus he has about 20 minutes of homework a night! To schedule mom time with him, I have to check his Blackberry and book an appointment days in advance.

Zachary and Ryan... Keep Me Busy.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

enjoying a saturday.

A busy morning starting with karate then soccer camp. Lunch at Chilis. Jacques ran into the Depot and now we are home. Played outside. Jacques busy tiling the bathroom. Cartoons on. Me at the computer, then buried in my book. Later, a quick trip to Target and Michaels. Jason lounging. Babies emptying the toy box. Photos later. Maybe tomorrow. Hugs, Mandy

Friday, February 20, 2009

nine months.

Kindle.. You are no friend of mine.

I know I have a lot of issues. A LOT. But this is by far my latest issue. It's the release of the Kindle 2. It is a wireless gadget that is 1/3" and you can download like 230,000 books into within seconds. I hate this whole idea. I am a BOOK LOVER. I want to touch my books and flip the pages, SMELL the pages, LICK the pages. I like lugging around my books and I love having them on my shelves and in my sight. They are beautiful. I love randomly choosing a book at the store, flipping through it, reading the covers. Seriously, I went to bed last night freaking out about the "end of the novel" era. Could this seriously hurt publishing. WTF? Can you even call it a Classic if it is digital? What would Steinbeck say? (WWSS?) Even now, I am about to have a panic attack cause I am so worked up. Note: the run on paragraph and grammar errors.. Ugh. I can't go on. I am boycotting this idea to the ends of time. Mark my words, I will never be caught with a Kindle. Ughh.

What He Said.

I sent the email to the Hubby. He has not seen my answers, but here are his.

What are your middle names? HENRI

How long have you been together? 8.5 YEARS

How long did you know each other before you started dating? 3 MONTHS

Who asked whom out? I HAVE NO IDEA

How old are each of you? 27/40

Whose siblings do you see the most? WIFES

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? WIFES MOODINESS

Did you go to the same school? NO

Are you from the same home town? NO

Who is smarter? ME

Who is the most sensitive? WIFE

Where do you eat out most as a couple? CHILI'S

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? SC TOKS TO TX TO SC

Who has the craziest exes? WIFE

Who has the worst temper? ME

Who does the cooking? ME

Who is the neat-freak? WIFE

Who is more stubborn? WIFE

Who hogs the bed? WIFE

Who wakes up earlier? ME

Where was your first date? CONCERT

Who is more jealous? ME

How long did it take to get serious? 3 MONTHS

Who eats more? ME

Who does the laundry? WIFE

Who's better with the computer? ME

Who drives when you are together? ME

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Couples Quiz.

What are your middle names?
Dawn and Henri.

How long have you been together?
Almost 9 years. Married 8 this October.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A couple of months. Met in June/July, Dating by September.

Who asked whom out?
I am gonna say Jacques.

How old are each of you?
I am 27. He is 40. Yes, 13 years difference.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Last year, we saw both sides twice.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Recruiting Hours.

Did you go to the same school?
Ummmmm, No. Duh.

Are you from the same home town?
No. Louisiana and Kansas.

Who is smarter?
Jacques. He knows everything. Odd things. Facts, Numbers, Geography. He must of been a nerd in school. Tip: Always have him on your side when playing Trivial Pursuit.

Who is the most sensitive?

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Ummm just in the states. We went to Mardi Gras one year. We are planning on Alaska to whale watch and Hawaii to Honeymoon in a few years.

Who has the craziest exes? Can I plead the 5th.. Me, I guess.

Who has the worst temper?
Jacques, by far.

Who does the cooking?

Who is the neat-freak?
Me. Hello, OCD!

Who is more stubborn?
Ohh. I am gonna say me. I can hold a grudge for days. I think Jacques would agree.

Who hogs the bed?
That would be Jason. Our little bedbug.

Who wakes up earlier?
Jacques. Work. But I am up shortly after with the kiddos.

Where was your first date?
A Tim McGraw and Faith concert. Then we saw the Dixie Chicks too.

Who is more jealous?

How long did it take to get serious?
We moved in together after 6 months. It seemed unreasonable that we were paying 2 rents when we were living next door to each other. One of us was always at the others. We got married a year after dating.

Who eats more?
Jacques, I think. We are both love food. I have lost 14 pounds though : )

Who does the laundry?
Me. Jacques leaves it strategically place all over the house for me.

Who's better with the computer?
If I need something fixed, I yell for him.

Who drives when you are together?
Always Jacques.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Million Little Pieces.

Controversy, What's not to Love? Okay, just finished James Frey's A Million Little Pieces on Sunday. I'd give it 5 Stars. I got it at the library sale for $2. Now I knew going in that this "printed as a memoir" turned out to be a fake fiction, but I could see how people were pissed once they found out. After I read it, I went to Oprah's website and read all the interview from when she confronted the author.

I was reading this throughout all my airport travel, many people recognized. I talked to one lady who had read it before she knew it was fake. Another lady asked if I would recommend it, Yes. And the funniest thing, an old lady in her 80's leaned over to me and asked what I was reading. I am sure she was just making talk, but I told her and she said, "Such a Lovely Book." HA! It couldn't be more than NOT lovely. It is filled with very fowl language and some very nasty scenes.

And just a note, I love airport travel. I love seeing that tons of people still do read. I saw books being read that I have already read, and books on my To Do list. I saw classics, fictions, biographies and more. I saw all sorts of people reading.

Good Things.

1. A Jar of Old Wooden Spools $6.00 2. The Penguin from Batman Returns $7 Jason loves it, Ryan is scared of it Brought home from Kansas 3. My Silhouette when I was 11 in 1992 4. A box of old buttons from my Great Great Grandma 5. Frames found for $2 at a Flea Market Going to paint white 6. Made this Moleskin to record all my media from 2009 7. An amazing find, 4 out of 5 of the New Kids on The Block Dolls. Desperately searching the Bay for the 5th doll.

More Videos.

Zachary on the Phone.

Dancing Babies and Pig.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Click for Videos.

Zachary and Jason on 4 Wheeler.

Ryan and Jason.

More Ryan and Jason.

quick monday updates.

I am home safe, sound and Mom again.
The House was still standing, but messy.
Jacques did an amazing job. Reassurance for Scotland.
The funeral was a beautiful service, more on that in another post.
I brought home some old and new treasures, photos later.
I am posting 3 new videos, look for them here later.
Zachary learned to blow kisses while I was away.
Jacques left them with a sitter for 2 hours.
They survived.
So did the sitter.
Finished a book. Started a new one, look for another post on that.
Soccer practice starts this week.
I was voted team secretary
Karate today.

Thanks to Bell and Katherine, Lewis Family, Mom and Brett, Grandma Long, Aunt Janie and Lees, Unlce Larry and Pam. You all made my visit amazing. Hugs and Love to you all, M

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I got a ton of email well wishes, thanks. I am flying home tomorrow and staying through Sunday. On my way to the airport, I am taking Jason to school. Jacques goes on Emergency Leave tomorrow and will stay home with all the kids... I wish him well and lots of love, and luck.

I laid out all of the kids clothes and pjs for everyday that I will be gone. I left phone numbers of friends and specifics when it comes to fevers, meals, naps, playtime and Life Full Time with Twins. He may need some liquor too.

Tonight we are going shopping to make sure they are stocked full of everything while I am gone. He has no intentions of getting out of the house with the kids, except to get Jason to and from school. I also canceled Speech so he will not have that either. He does have the option of taking Jason to Karate or not. I will leave that up to SuperDad. Hugs, Mandy

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Goodbye, Grandpa.

My Grandpa Lee past away late last night. He justed celebrated his 83rd birthday last month. He will be missed. He was loved by my Grandma for 59 years. I will be flying home on Thursday and the blog will be down until next week. Goodbye, Grandpa. I love you and will see you again someday. Hugs.

Lee Family Video Part 3 Grandpa's last harvest at the age of 82, after 60 years of harvests. Video by Janet

Sunday, February 08, 2009

dake updates.

Still has some bruises from last weeks falls.
Loves cookies, baths and his mommy.
Runs to the bathroom at the sound of water or when you say bath.
Wiggles and "ohhhs" when he wants something.
Has an "I better get what I want attitude" or else throws a fit
Can wink with both eyes and wave.
22+ pounds.
Lactose intolerant.
Is ROUGH when it is bedtime, fights sleep and you.
Good eater.
Eats everything that is inedible too.
Points and "awwwes"
Curly, dark hair.
Knows what a kitty and puppy say.
Gives kisses.

Lip is healed.
Can tell you he is one when asked, in fingers.
Waves when asked or when responding to bye bye.
Loves baths and runs when it is that time.
Climbs up on the couch, lawn mover, beds, chairs, everything!
Very easy going, entertains himself and plays well.
Easy to put to naps and bed.
Gives Kisses.
Picky eater. Tries it, spits it out, studies it, then puts it back in.
Caught taking off own diaper.
Points and says "nah nah nah" No No No
Knows what a puppy and kitty say.
Fine, straight, blond hair.

Goes to speech 2 days a week.
Karate 4 times a week.
Is now a white/yellow stripe belt.
Loves Chips Ahoy cookies, PB and pizza.
Starting his 4th season of soccer this month.
Is reading very well.
Will need a haircut soon.
Loves the Wii and coloring, very creative.
Obsessed with Indiana Jones.

Has band aid on middle finger.
Wearing flip flops today and yesterday.
Has chipped toe nail polish and a Tom Brady shirt on.
Needs Excedrin and coffee.
Reading A Million Little Pieces.
Embarrassed that Oprah read it to. Very Fowl and Inappropriate.
Smells a poopy diaper.
Lost 9 pounds in 7 days.
Swears that there is a Baby Sock Monster digesting all of them.
Missed Rock of Love last night. Will watch at 1100 today.

Was at work by 5 this morning.
Worked hard in the yard yesterday.
Is remodeling our master bathroom.
Does all the family ironing and cooking.
Drinks too much soda.
Loves Mommy unconditionally.
Watches the History and Discovery channels non-stop.
Is coaching his 4th season of soccer.

Friday, February 06, 2009


February 15th is the day that most people are broken up with.

George Strait will be in Charlotte, NC in May. I'll need a date.

Welcome, Precious Little Baby Girl Penn Lily.

Karate Awards night for Jason.

I need to do something crafty soon.

New Read: A Million Little Pieces.

Jason playing Legos.

Two babies napping, for now.

My single friends hit it off, have been on another date, and have another one tomorrow evening.

I got another friend wanting to start the Twilight series.

I need to charge my cell.

The 5 People you meet in Heaven.

I just finished this book. Amazing. It's a beautiful tale of how amazing Heaven may be. I wonder who will be waiting in my line? And some favorite lines to leave you feeling tingly today.

"There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind."

"Fairness, does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young."

"No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."

"That's what Heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterdays."

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It's suppose to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to."

"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."

"All parents damage their children. It can not be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair."

"Sons will adore their fathers through even the worst behavior. It is how they learn devotion. Before he can devote himself to God or a woman, a boy will devote himself to his father, even foolishly, even beyond explanation."

Thursday, February 05, 2009

And another bites the dust..

Ryan was running in footed pjs yesterday while carrying a bottle in his mouth and fell face first, on to his bottle, on the hardwood floor. He bled a tiny bit, but is was purple and swollen instantly. He cried just a minute, until I got him to the sink to get a cool wash cloth. Then he stopped and was excited to be sitting on the counter. Pictures are from today, and it was already looking much better than it did yesterday.

Today both babies made it through the entire day with out any stitches or open bleeding wounds. That is my goal for tomorrow too. And the next day and the next..

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

paint and potatoes, kid friendly fun.

This is how Jason and I spent our afternoon. Even the babies got to join in. I painted their hand prints, but in red. So they look like a horror movie smeared blood print, instead of sweet keepsakes. Oh well. It was a good day. Thanks, Elise.

Today's twins, bumps, bruises and all.

Zachary and the head wounds not really caused by Holyfield. Poor Guy. I am sure they will get darker with time. And So Ryan is not left out. These are from breakfast this morning.


Today the babies we up at 545. It's 754 and they are back napping for a while I hope, but I doubt it. Zachary is running a low fever of 99, but that could be because he looks like he headbutted Holyfield yesterday. The poor kid fell off of a toy box that he was standing on then minutes later he bumped his head into a chair. He has lumps and carpet burns galore. I will try for a photo later. We were at Speech when it happened, and I told the secretary that I may need a waiver from her stating she saw the nose dive off.

Baby awake.. More Later.

Back again. It was Ryan. He slept maybe 15 minutes, but is laying back down. It's 826. Ugh. Today we have no plans, but a fun craft with paint and potatoes for Jason. Also last nights "match making" may have went well. They both confirmed with me that they liked one another, then they went out for drinks.. I am still waiting for all the details ; )

Wednesday, Be Good to Me, okay?

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

tuesday random.

Jason has speech and is celebrating his 100th day of kindergarten.

I am picking up 124 books for someone special for $40.00.

I need to go to Target for some new jeans for a certain six year old.

Still need to register Jason for a soccer camp.

This weekend is the SC State rummage sale at the Fair Grounds. Excited!

I have a VDAY craft for tomorrow afternoon with Jason, involving paint and potatoes.

I dreamt of one, Brett Michaels. Grrrrrrr!

Zachary is awake.

Ryan is asleep.

My feet are cold.

I have 3 friends due any day now, 2 of them are expecting girls and on Valentines Day. The other gender is unknown.

Tonight I have 2 single friends coming over, hoping they hit it off.

Just call me: Matchmaker Mandy.

Monday, February 02, 2009

25 Things.

I have been tagged so many times, I thought I would comply. Seriously tho, 25? That's a bunch.

1. Pink Everything. Toothbrush, cell, bible, shoes, purse.

2. Absolutely in Love with this man and song. And this version of King of the Road. PS- Turner is from SC too.

3. I saw New In Town on Friday night. Nothing like a country Harry Conick Jr.

4. I am spending 2 weeks in Scotland, and visiting England in September. Tickets already bought. Next to do Passport.

5. Bell is my BFF. We have been almost inseparable for 13 years.

6. I have lived in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and South Carolina.

7. I am on a design team for a scrap store.

8. I have no pets, just the kids.

9. I watch Rock of Love on Sunday nights. Hello, Brett! And House M.D. on Monday night. Hugh Laurie is another mad crush. And only one soap, All My Children.. Oh, Kendall is out of the coma too. Just wait till she finds out that her hubby fathered her sister's child. Drama!

10. I think flavored water is high overrated.

11. My toenail polish is dark and chipped.

12. Did I mention Edward yet? Hello, Twilight. Teen Fiction. Romance. Vampires. My Lion.

13. I have owned a Lexus, a Landrover and a van. Next I am getting a Volvo or a BMW. I want to be a Stupid Shiny Volvo Owner.

14. Love to travel. Have been all over the US and after this years trip, we are thinking Hawaii and Alaska.

15. I love the Beach. Seashells, parasasiling, body boarding, sun burns.

16. Lipgloss, Polaroids, glue and glitter, purses, typewriters, buttons, books and tacos.

17. Currently reading: The Five People You Meet in Heaven.

18. Movies: any good chick flick will do and there is always The Breakfast Club.

20. Ipod: Poison, 80's rock, country, alternative and even some Tupac. I know, right? Secretly, I think Tupac and Cobain are hiding out somewhere in a trailer in Kentucky.

21. I wish they made footed jammies for adults.

22. I am in love with three boys.

23. I go to bed early and get up even earlier. I spent the last few months in a recliner with a certain baby that thinks sleeping is for wimps.

24. Coffee and if you read 23, now you know why.

25. Am happy this list is done.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

a Sunday check up in February.

Jacques and I are both not feeling well. That sucks because we still have 3 kids to raise. We both took a nap this morning and Jacques is now taking another one.

Jason is watching Batman and Robin the one with George Clooney, the Govenator as Mr. Freeze, and Poison Ivy. He is also jumping around the house being Batman.

Ryan is sleeping on the floor with his blanket. Zachary will not leave him alone. He goes up and sits as close as he can to Ryan. Then earlier when Zachary was sleepin (Cause we all know that they never indulge their mother by sleeping at the same time) Ryan would not stay away from Zachary. He would sit on top of him and roll over him.

The guys enjoyed the Monster Trucks yesterday afternoon, but there are no photos to prove it, Just $15 less after buying cotton candy. Jacques took the small camera that was almost dead.

Today, Super Bowl Excitement (not from me) and homemade chili. I will knit through the game only looking up to see the funny commercials or perhaps, any boobs that pop out due to any wardrobe malfunctions.