Friday, February 06, 2009

The 5 People you meet in Heaven.

I just finished this book. Amazing. It's a beautiful tale of how amazing Heaven may be. I wonder who will be waiting in my line? And some favorite lines to leave you feeling tingly today.

"There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind."

"Fairness, does not govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young."

"No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."

"That's what Heaven is. You get to make sense of your yesterdays."

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It's suppose to be. It's not something to regret. It's something to aspire to."

"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."

"All parents damage their children. It can not be helped. Youth, like pristine glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond repair."

"Sons will adore their fathers through even the worst behavior. It is how they learn devotion. Before he can devote himself to God or a woman, a boy will devote himself to his father, even foolishly, even beyond explanation."

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