Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I just read an article about how boys are more of a handful than girls. It said girls are harder when they hit preteen, teen years. Ummmm yeah, I would say that study is about right. Zach.

Yesterday I took the boys to a play group on post. It was great out of the house time. Zachary went right in and jumped into the fun. Ryan stayed stuck to me for the first 10 minutes, but eventually took off. The minute we were home, both babies went to sleep. In fact, I had to wake them to go get Jason. Which is always no fun, but it is also why there were both in bed by 8. Play group is free and 3 times a week. We will defiantly go again. The even have a Soldier Night for the guys to take the kids, giving moms time off.

We also had karate and a ton of homework. Jason sold 5 cookie doughs. Today he went to school with $2 for tattoos, a lunch order for $8.10 for next week, and $7 for safety IDs. It was also PE day. However there are no extracurricular activities after school.

I am still eating my words about the game on Sunday.. Sorry Vikings. Maybe next year. We are hosting a Superbowl party again this year. I will be in full Patriots gear, even though it's the Saints and Colts. I love the Mannings, but will root for the Saints. I mean, give the team a break.

Ryan busted his head on Sunday night. I will post photos on flickr. He looked like Hellboy, growing a horn, but it didn't slow him down.

Jason also came home with a special offer from Carnival Cruise Line and the school for a 7 day Carri bean Cruise in July for $969 for TWO people. I am so bummed, because that seems pretty reasonable for 2 people on a cruise for 7 days, but we won't be here.

There is nothing on TV from 830-930 in the morning, when I need to get things done. It's only lame shows that my kids are just too cool for and they obviously can't hold their attention.

The move to Minnesota is on in May.

Go Vikings! Ummmm, yeah, next year.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Way to Pee, Zachary!

Yesterday I bought two potty seats thinking we would just introduce them, let them play and get used to the idea. We got some cute Fisher Price Frog Pottys. I bought two cause I would of hated for one to have an accident while the other maybe hoggin' the potty. (Plus these will be great seats to travel with. Planning the move ahead and the drive cross country.)

The boys played with them once.. thought they were pretty neat. An hour later, we played with the seats again... and Zachary pottied in the chair! We sung, danced and high fived, making the whole situation a huge positive success. Then I put a pair of big boy undies on him, which he kept dry until bed time, as he refused to put a diaper on.

This morning, Jacques woke me up saying Zach was holding himself, while in a diaper, saying "potty" so I quickly got up... and noted that his diaper was still dry, a good sign, but he did not go. Later he went in his undies, in the kitchen. But that's no biggie.

We will continue to work on the process at each boy's own rate. I have a feeling that Ryan will be stubborn about it because he is so easy going, somewhere along the line, he has got to give me trouble.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today's mischief, brought to you via Twins.

1.) Zachary broke my one of my favorite cups.

2.) One of the kids, likely Zach, hid the dog's water bowl.

3.) Zachary tore up and ate a Styrofoam cup, all over the living room.

3.) I caught Zach ejecting and then shoving a Wii game back into the console.

4.) Zachary jumped on Ryan from the couch. It was so bad, Jacques thought something may be broken on poor Ryan, who didn't mind.

5.) Ryan and Zachary knocked down, which ended up breaking, our fireplace screen. Then they crawled inside the pit, covering themselves with soot.

6.) While bathing the boys, Zachary put my toothbrush on his bare bottom.

7.) While cooking supper, I turn around and caught Zachary standing on the dining room table, swinging the chandelier like he was Tarzan on a vine.

8.) I found smashed pizza on the hardwood floor. The culprit was not identified, but my money is on Zach.

9.) Zachary was caught placing individual pieces of popcorn on the carpet then stomping on them.

10.) But at the end of the day, they are both in bed by 8 and I am still highly smitten with the both of them.


Yesterday was school conferences. It went well, as expected. Jason is a rockstar.

I am on book seven of my series. Book eight comes out in April. This is my 4th book of the year already. Today is a rainy day, and that makes the best weather to read in. Plus there is a pot of coffee on.

Jason's party was the best. We had it at the house with only a handful of guests instead of renting a party place. It was by far the cheapest party yet at around $150 for food, decor, cake and prizes, and like I said, it was my favorite party yet.

I really really want a thick flat crocodile wallet. Any color, but purple. I have dropped Valentines hints, but the hubby will need to hit a handbag specialty store to find one. That takes man confidence.

It has been in the 70's the last few days and it's been beautiful. This family thrives on fresh air.

I am ready to work. I think when we move, I will look at YMCA's to work at. The boys could use some socialization too. Wish I was still in Waterloo.. Great gals there. And speaking of the Loo, I haven't heard from Julie in like 5 days, are you alive? Please press 1 if yes, 2 if no. Or hit me up in my inbox.

Lewis- I have heard from you frequently all week.

This morning I Skyped with mom.

There are no plans today : )

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010


Jason and Jacques are off work and school today. That being said, they left the house at 7:30 this morning to go to the office. They are still gone 2 hours later.

This family will have pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next two days with cake for snacks.

Today it will be 67+ out and it's likely this family will spend the day at the zoo.

There are a ton of photos up on flickr and a few on Facebook.

Everyone slept well last night and Jacques put both babies to bed so I could edit photos. I didn't read a single page in my book yesterday, so today I am all about reading it. I have already conquered 3 chapters this morning, and a slice of pizza.

I have added An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King to my 2010 reading list.

MY PHONE DOES NOT WORK.. Don't try calling.

Enjoy your Monday. Go!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Today Jason turned SEVEN! Happy Birthday Big Guy! I over heard him tell his father, "Life gets harder at seven." We had a great party, celebrating Star Wars style with great friends, food and cake!! Light sabers galore. Watch for more photos tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for all the calls wishing Jason a great day..


Friday, January 15, 2010

Out of the office until further notice.

It's been a busy week with drama everywhere and a ton of To Do's. I am exhausted and raising twins. I have 5 errands/tasks to do today including a Dr. visit for Zach, Jason's eye exam, a stop by the vet. We have a 4 day weekend and are celebrating seven with someone special this Sunday. I will be back next week, until then there are new photos up on flickr. Photo: January and February calendar. Jason needs to sell at least 1 more cookie dough!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stop! It's Cookie Dough Time.

Jason is selling cookie dough again this year. Each tube is 3 pounds and makes 4 dozen cookies. They are $15 each. Last year, many of you just sent $15 dollar checks and we got to eat all the dough! This year is even better cause not only will you be helping Jason out, and contributing sugar to my boys, but Jason gets out of school if he sells at least 5 to go to a Wild Animal Encounters Show and if he sells 12 he gets a VIP picture with a famous alligator! Sounds fun right? let's just hope he comes home with cookie dough AND all his limbs. Send money now, due by the 25th. Thanks.. Jason and Mommy Dake


Another great day in the making. Two sleeping babies. Good news. Great Friends, far away, but still the best. Warmer weather coming with highs in the 60s. Birthdays. Celebrating. Coffee. Kindle. Cartoons. Space heaters. Phone Calls.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hooray Monday.

We had had a great Monday here, just in case you couldn't read that on Zach's face. I got lots done and made plans for this week. There are two Drs. appointments: an eye exam for Jason (Note: 2010 Goal!) and to have Zach's cheek looked at. He has had a blemish for 2 months. I thought it was a pimple at first, but it has not gone away. Jacques is more concerned than I am. I figure there is nothing they can do about it and I think it is too close to his eye to remove it, besides I don't want that. Plus there is karate 3 times and a special seven year old's birthday on Sunday. Jacques is off for a four day weekend so that is helpful. Ohhhhhhhh the many faces of Zach. This is him last night. He was moving Lego's from jar to jar. I see many signs of OCD. Today he lined up the Wii remotes too. That photo is on flickr.
Lincoln loves the sun. Here he is today in his favorite spot.

This week I have Monsters Inc. autotuned more than 9 times. This is the reason. Something they sit and watch, giving me time for chores. They are watching now, for the 3rd time today, which is why I am able to post here. Zachary says, "Monters, monters."
This is me and the boys today. Jason took our photo. This is how I play Wii with him, with them glued to me. (Note: Normally there cups don't match. This was a coincidence.)
These two photos are from last week, but wanted to share. More on Flickr!

Friday, January 08, 2010


I went to the dentist yesterday to have a small cavity filled and I scheduled my wisdom teeth to be fiercely yanked out of my jaw. It's scheduled for Feb 12 which still gives me a month to come down with the chicken pox, mono or some other life threatening disease which means I would have to cancel the appointment. Just saying.

I am almost finished with my book and hope to start book 6 today too.

Tonight we have karate and tomorrow morning too. There are no big weekend plans. I did a serious amount of housework this morning so I will have a relatively easy day.

Zachary just woke up after only a half hour nap. He is semi feverish now, but it spikes up high through out the night. Jacques was up with him till almost one last night and I was up with him at 5. He has an awful raspy cough too. But he is happy and playing, so we will just keep an eye on it. And I should add that he is a great medicine taker. He drinks it right from the cup, no syringe/squirter needed.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Pup Love: Edited.

Oh my Lincoln. He will be 11 months old in two days, and is over 60 pounds. He doesn't care for the camera anymore than Ryan so I was surprised to get such photos yesterday. He is just the best pup ever and so patient with the babies who occasionally mistake him for a horse.

We have never been dog people. Lincoln is both Jacques' and my first dog. I chose a boxer because Kal is always taking such great photos of Crash with her girls and she gave us a great breed recommendation. I even read that they are the best kid friendly dog and that boxers and kids go together like PB and J. I knew that was a dog for us. Anyway, a huge thanks again to Renee for bringing Lincoln into our family.

I decided I wanted a boxer on a Wednesday and told the hubby. By Sunday, it was a done deal and we had our little one picked out. That's how I got it with the hubby. He makes it happen.

And even though he chewed up our Wii antenna yesterday, chances are Zachary will end up at the pound before Lincoln.

Edited: About half hour after I posted this, I go into the living room to find Lincoln chewing up my bra! A frickin $50 Victoria Secrets bra that was farely new! I was soooo hot.. I called the hubby, who laughed and told me to not keep my lingerie's everywhere (which they weren't the dog got them out of our room). He said he'd buy me new bras and that if that is the extent of our problems, we got it good. Whatever!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Youngest of Three.

Just wanted to share some Ryan love because normally the kid wants nothing to do with my Canon in his face, but yesterday, he didn't mind. In fact, in the top two photos, he is signing "More" in American Sign Language (which I started to teach them at just 6 months old) because he wants "more" photos taken. I love a good genuine smile. Thanks, Ryan. More photos up on flickr.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I had an awful night last night. I was cold then hot. Up at 12, 3, 4 and in between. Ryan puked during the night, but was fine and I had to clean that up. I had bad dreams and could not get comfortable. Then first thing this morning, the dog puked. Ugh. There was not enough coffee to get my day started the right way, so I drank liquor. Kidding.

Today's Dora cartoon was all about sticky tape and using it to fix things. I myself am a huge fan of Scotch tape, so the episode was the highlight of my morning. I haven't had to buy tape in years. After Christmas in 04 or 05, they had a 4 pack of Scotch tape on clearance for $1 so I would buy a pack or two every trip to Walmart. I have a mother load.

Jason's school agenda came home full of homework assignments last night and also a note that said "Bring 2 Chapsticks" .. my heart skipped a beat. She wanted to make sure all those first graders have extra hydrated kissers. Now that's a teacher I can like.. And because not only am I a connoisseur of Scotch tape, but also Chapstick, I was able to pull out 2 new tubes from my kitchen drawer stash. Now I will just need to get my stock back up to an acceptable number.

Tonight when the hubby gets home, we are working on a goal for '10 of mine: Move Zachary's baby bed so it can contain Zachary. Right now he is in our bed, and that is not working out for me anymore.. So we are moving his bed out of the babies room, and into our room. We don't want to disturb Ryan with all the crying that will come from Zachary once he realizes that he gets his own bed.

Ryan wants nothing to do with me when his dad is home and spends most of his day playing trains. I get my cuddles in while the hubby is gone.

Jacques asked me last night why I buy two different types of kidney beans for the chili. I replied, "To make it more colorful."

Roll on, Tuesday.

Monday, January 04, 2010


Today is Jacques first day back at work in 17 days and Jason returned to school too. He also came home with a ton of homework plus we have karate and a written book report due on Friday.

I think it is probably time to get a couple of potty chairs now that the boys are 25 months. On a good note, they both know that when I say "potty" they know where to go. They also recognize when they have stinky drawers.

I am already thinking of giving up Project 365, a photo a day and we are only 4 days in. I haven't missed any yet, it's just the feeling of having to take a photo and post. Check out the new flickr set.

I finished my first book of the year and have already started on the next. Check out the new flickr set.

Ryan spilled a can of soda on the carpet today.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

And There He Goes..

And There He Goes..
Originally uploaded by mandydake
We got the boys Power Wheel tractors for their birthday/Christmas present. Today was the first attempt at riding them, and while Ryan was semi impressed with it, Zachary got into the full swing of it and love it. (A SPECIAL THANKS to everyone, who sent Christmas Cash and/or Gift Cards to the babies, because that helped in the expense..)

Friday, January 01, 2010

Twenty Ten Resolutions.

1. Jason needs an eye exam.

2. Twins need their first trip to the dentist.

3. REMOVE Zachary from our bed.

4. Lose 20 more pounds, Exercise. (Lost 35 pounds last year, and will start working on losing the last pounds too.)

5. Read. (Last year my goal was 12 or one a month. I read 38 novels. I figure if I can read that many a year, that's awesome. Look for a new set on flickr)

6. Try again to get wisdom teeth yanked out. (But don't hold breath.)

7. Move to Minnesota.

8. Plan a Spring Break Vacation. Sea World. Florida.

9. See Eclipse, the movie. June 10, 10

10. Learn to sew zipper pouches. (Thanks to Bell and a new sewing machine.)

11. Project 365: A photo a day. (Attempted this in '08, but only got through January. Look for a new set on flickr.)

12. Catch up on kids baby books. (Jason's is jam packed full. The babies are almost bare.)