Monday, January 04, 2010


Today is Jacques first day back at work in 17 days and Jason returned to school too. He also came home with a ton of homework plus we have karate and a written book report due on Friday.

I think it is probably time to get a couple of potty chairs now that the boys are 25 months. On a good note, they both know that when I say "potty" they know where to go. They also recognize when they have stinky drawers.

I am already thinking of giving up Project 365, a photo a day and we are only 4 days in. I haven't missed any yet, it's just the feeling of having to take a photo and post. Check out the new flickr set.

I finished my first book of the year and have already started on the next. Check out the new flickr set.

Ryan spilled a can of soda on the carpet today.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

365 really does feel like a chore after a while. this year with chewwie's photos i'm just doing the date rather than counting 1/365, etc.

i'm also just calling it "a year of chewwie" so i don't feel like a total failure if i don't get 365 shots. as long as i get a good bit throughout the year i'll be happy.

i completed 2 365's last year, that was enough!