Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I had an awful night last night. I was cold then hot. Up at 12, 3, 4 and in between. Ryan puked during the night, but was fine and I had to clean that up. I had bad dreams and could not get comfortable. Then first thing this morning, the dog puked. Ugh. There was not enough coffee to get my day started the right way, so I drank liquor. Kidding.

Today's Dora cartoon was all about sticky tape and using it to fix things. I myself am a huge fan of Scotch tape, so the episode was the highlight of my morning. I haven't had to buy tape in years. After Christmas in 04 or 05, they had a 4 pack of Scotch tape on clearance for $1 so I would buy a pack or two every trip to Walmart. I have a mother load.

Jason's school agenda came home full of homework assignments last night and also a note that said "Bring 2 Chapsticks" .. my heart skipped a beat. She wanted to make sure all those first graders have extra hydrated kissers. Now that's a teacher I can like.. And because not only am I a connoisseur of Scotch tape, but also Chapstick, I was able to pull out 2 new tubes from my kitchen drawer stash. Now I will just need to get my stock back up to an acceptable number.

Tonight when the hubby gets home, we are working on a goal for '10 of mine: Move Zachary's baby bed so it can contain Zachary. Right now he is in our bed, and that is not working out for me anymore.. So we are moving his bed out of the babies room, and into our room. We don't want to disturb Ryan with all the crying that will come from Zachary once he realizes that he gets his own bed.

Ryan wants nothing to do with me when his dad is home and spends most of his day playing trains. I get my cuddles in while the hubby is gone.

Jacques asked me last night why I buy two different types of kidney beans for the chili. I replied, "To make it more colorful."

Roll on, Tuesday.


Aimee said...

Sorry you had a rough night. No sleep is bad enough but then having to deal with all the vomit O_o Hope everyone is feeling better now!

Cindy said...

Hehe about the chili beans! I do that too for the same reason!