Sunday, January 24, 2010

Way to Pee, Zachary!

Yesterday I bought two potty seats thinking we would just introduce them, let them play and get used to the idea. We got some cute Fisher Price Frog Pottys. I bought two cause I would of hated for one to have an accident while the other maybe hoggin' the potty. (Plus these will be great seats to travel with. Planning the move ahead and the drive cross country.)

The boys played with them once.. thought they were pretty neat. An hour later, we played with the seats again... and Zachary pottied in the chair! We sung, danced and high fived, making the whole situation a huge positive success. Then I put a pair of big boy undies on him, which he kept dry until bed time, as he refused to put a diaper on.

This morning, Jacques woke me up saying Zach was holding himself, while in a diaper, saying "potty" so I quickly got up... and noted that his diaper was still dry, a good sign, but he did not go. Later he went in his undies, in the kitchen. But that's no biggie.

We will continue to work on the process at each boy's own rate. I have a feeling that Ryan will be stubborn about it because he is so easy going, somewhere along the line, he has got to give me trouble.


Cindy said...

Wow, That's great! Hopefully potty training the boys goes smoothly and quickly!

Mandi said...

Awsome, we love our froggy potty and I'm actually thinking of getting it out for Emrick pretty soon...

julieann said...

Haha, I have an idea that Ryan will not really care about the potty until he is darn good and ready! Trust me, I have a full grown Ryan of my own and I'm about 70% sure that if he could pee in a diaper........:)

Kimmie said...

WTG Zach!