Friday, January 08, 2010


I went to the dentist yesterday to have a small cavity filled and I scheduled my wisdom teeth to be fiercely yanked out of my jaw. It's scheduled for Feb 12 which still gives me a month to come down with the chicken pox, mono or some other life threatening disease which means I would have to cancel the appointment. Just saying.

I am almost finished with my book and hope to start book 6 today too.

Tonight we have karate and tomorrow morning too. There are no big weekend plans. I did a serious amount of housework this morning so I will have a relatively easy day.

Zachary just woke up after only a half hour nap. He is semi feverish now, but it spikes up high through out the night. Jacques was up with him till almost one last night and I was up with him at 5. He has an awful raspy cough too. But he is happy and playing, so we will just keep an eye on it. And I should add that he is a great medicine taker. He drinks it right from the cup, no syringe/squirter needed.

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