Monday, September 27, 2010

Zachary knows Mommy's Purse.

This is soo cute.. Tonight I pulled out a new purse to change into and hung it on the door.. Later I walk over and Zachary is determined to explain that "Mommy already has purse" and that I will not need the new one.. He thinks it's for Becca.

Smitten with you, even with green snot.

I am always so happy to see good shots of Ryan, my only camera shy kid. These were from Saturday. We are home from work today because he is sick again, but so far, with no vomit. I can handle green ooze for snot and low grade fevers, any day over puke. On a side note, Ryan loves Candy Corn.

Jacques has been gone since 5 a.m. last Wednesday and will not be home till 11 p.m. or later this Wednesday. So we are on day 6 without daddy : (

I am also ready to bust out the sewing machine and teach myself to sew zippered pouches this weekend. I am thinking I can wrangle Jacques into doing the actual sewing, if I can just get the pieces pinned together. It's was a Resolution for 2010 that I have yet to tackle.

FYI- We have a large whirlpool tub in one of our bathrooms, but I have never actually had time to use it. Being a Mom means that you are lucky if you get time, while doing the dishes, to hose your armpits off in the kitchen sink with Dawn and the spray nozzle.

I added the book Gone with the Wind to my Books To Read. I have never seen the movie, so I thought I'd do the book first. Not sure when I will get to it, as there are a hundred books on that list, but I hope to eventually. Plus I don't actually have the book anyway, so it'll have to wait.

Ohhh and Hello, Jason! Yesterday he won the soccer game for the team 1-0! The game was almost over, and he made the one and only score of the entire game. It was a really well matched game. Both teams were really good. Way to Go, Jason!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Hubby. This one's for you!

You: Younger. Me: Blonder. Jason: The baby. June '03 Oklahoma

Monday, September 20, 2010

Look what came home today..

Friends and Family Members: Watch your mailboxes : )

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday Things.

Jason is loving school but the curriculum is no where near the education level he was receiving in SC. That makes me sad. That makes daddy mad. But at least he's ahead and not lagging behind. Yesterday he brought home a dot to dot. WTF? Seriously. He was writing book reports and paragraphs in first grade last year. We are not letting him on to the fact that anything is different.

Jason has a loose tooth and is doing amazing with his new soccer team. He has scored, multiple times, during both games. Tonight we have a Cub Scouts event. We are all going.

Ryan is talking and saying new words daily. Daddy and I are extremely happy about it. And he passed his audiology exams! He also loves, loves, loves stickers and is into monster trucks right now.

Just 427 days till Breaking Dawn ------>

But who's counting??

I bought some $3 Spiderman suits a week ago at a second hand store. I debated on whether to buy both or not. We already had Jason, and the twins loved it. I am glad I bought them. Within hours, I had gotten my $3 worth.

I am on my 45th novel for 2010. My goal is still 60. Three new books were waiting in my mailbox today and another 7 are on the way.

Eclipse will be on DVD December 4 and you can bet I'll be out at midnight securing my copies.

Still scrapping with a few new projects rolling around my head.

Both babies are napping. I got a shower. Hubby was outta town last night. I worked 2 shifts yesterday.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Mr. Second Grade.

This morning I had it all planned out. I would take Jason to school, alone, while daddy was home with the twins. I'd walk him up and take about a thousand and two photos. But it was pouring out and I got called in to work. Change of plans. I then had to get my 2nd grader around and both kids, and myself.

So then the hubby followed me to Jason's school. Parked and came to hop in the van so I could walk Jason up, under the umbrella. We met his teacher and went to his class.. I know he got a little upset when he couldn't open his locker, but he kept his cool and his teacher helped him out.

When I got back to the car, the hubby wanted to see the photos I snapped.. Ohhh we saw one that had worry written all over Jason's face. I didn't see it when I snapped it which happens a lot cause I am focused on snapping the photo through the lens.. Soo that had us both worried. I kept my phone close during my shift at work..

I went to pick him up a good 20 minutes early so I could get a great parking spot. I was so happy to see him run out and was instantly relieved when he said his day was, "totally awesome."

New School. New Year. We're good!!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Four Day Weekend Review.

Hubby and I off Saturday-Tuesday.
Still enjoying it : ) But back to work tomorrow.
School Clothes Shopping @ Target $119
McDonald's Shakes
Monday Night Movie: Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Trip to Library
Trip to B&N Cafe for Latte's
Jason read TWO whole Treehouse books!! (He's totally my son.)
Jason starting Book #10 now.
Meeting his teacher tonight!
Practice soccer in the backyard. (First game this weekend.)
School Photos Today too, weird.
Me. Reading. Taking Photos.
Rain. Wind. Minnesota.
Jason and Ryan haircuts by daddy.
Family Photos, see below.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Guess Where You'll Find Me?

Read my post below.. I was just blogging about this yesterday. So FYI I'll be at the Bucks today if you need me.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hello, September!

I love fall. September is most definitely a favorite of mine. October is even better. Can you say Pumpkin Spice Latte? Yumm. I wonder if, perhaps, they are out yet? Anyone? While we are on the subject of caffeine, I need a new stellar spill-proof travel mug. My really good Starbucks one that I have had forever is broke. I lost the seal to it and now it's useless.. Note to YOU: It's on my Christmas List.

September will be a very busy month. Jason starts school next week and soccer. There are two scouting events that I know of already. Jacques will be at Fort Knox for 5-6 days. The calendar is busy in blue.

Yesterday Jason said that Zach was fighting him. I told Jason to tell Zach that his father and I weren't gonna pay for his college if he continued to be naughty.

Ryan is learning new words daily! And a lot of them! We are so excited that he has picked up the vocab bug. It's great to celebrate all his new words. Hooray.

Scrapbooking. Back on track. I have done 5 pages, maybe more in the last week. Go me! Memories are forever, but not papercuts.

I got 106 prints from Shutterfly this week. Yum. All lovely and getting me scrapping.

I am drinking more Gatorade and less diet coke. I have a nasty diet coke habit and have been drinking more gatorade because of my riding.

Zachary adds an H to Jason's name. "JASHON!" I hear shouted.

Becca, yesterday while jamming to the '60s Billboards via ipod, I dedicated a little Crimson and Clover to you, on my air mike. Awww.. Good times.

We shopped for Jason's school supplies last weekend. We got them all, and the list was really reasonable. He still needs some new clothes and gym shoes, but we have 8 days still.

It rained yesterday. My feet are cold today.

Hubby is off Saturday-Tuesday. We have no plans.

I am reading my 43rd novel of the year. My goal was at least 38, but now I am pushing for 60. That means I need to read 4.25 books per month. I normally average 4-6 books. I just may make it. Holla!

And Goodbye, August! You were a great month.