Monday, September 27, 2010

Smitten with you, even with green snot.

I am always so happy to see good shots of Ryan, my only camera shy kid. These were from Saturday. We are home from work today because he is sick again, but so far, with no vomit. I can handle green ooze for snot and low grade fevers, any day over puke. On a side note, Ryan loves Candy Corn.

Jacques has been gone since 5 a.m. last Wednesday and will not be home till 11 p.m. or later this Wednesday. So we are on day 6 without daddy : (

I am also ready to bust out the sewing machine and teach myself to sew zippered pouches this weekend. I am thinking I can wrangle Jacques into doing the actual sewing, if I can just get the pieces pinned together. It's was a Resolution for 2010 that I have yet to tackle.

FYI- We have a large whirlpool tub in one of our bathrooms, but I have never actually had time to use it. Being a Mom means that you are lucky if you get time, while doing the dishes, to hose your armpits off in the kitchen sink with Dawn and the spray nozzle.

I added the book Gone with the Wind to my Books To Read. I have never seen the movie, so I thought I'd do the book first. Not sure when I will get to it, as there are a hundred books on that list, but I hope to eventually. Plus I don't actually have the book anyway, so it'll have to wait.

Ohhh and Hello, Jason! Yesterday he won the soccer game for the team 1-0! The game was almost over, and he made the one and only score of the entire game. It was a really well matched game. Both teams were really good. Way to Go, Jason!!

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