Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a glass half empty kinda day.

Another rough night, this one started with Zachary. He definitely had a tummy ache and was up for and hour and a half... Then once I got him down, Ryan woke up so I woke him. I think I slept between 345 and 530. Then I was up with Zachary. Jacques got up at 6 and let me sleep till 640 and he took Jason to school.

I have to pick Jason up at 12:30 and get him a haircut. Speech is canceled today. It's raining out. Zachary has a slightly elevated fever at 99.2 so I gave him some Tylenol. Ryan slept till after 7. Both boys are locked down in the living room watching a Baby Einstein video. Maybe the coffee will brighten the weather and my spirits.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I don't do horror.

Last night I had a brilliant idea to watch a horror flick.. this is the end result. Yep. I watched more than half of it through my fingers. Some parts, I didn't even bother to peek out. Other times, I would pull my shirt up over my eyes and was able to see through the fabric just enough.

I used to love scary movies before I was a mom. At age 10, I had a Freddy Krugger poster in my bedroom. Movie Trivia: Wes Craven chose the colors red and green for Freddy's sweater because he read that those two colors are the hardest for the eye to process together and over 500 gallons of fake blood was used in the movie. But now that I am a mom, I associate all the scary monsters and my children.. (ie- scary zombies chasing after a crawling Zachary.)

During the movie, which by the way was 30 Days of Night staring ever scary vampires, there was a scene where UV light hit one of the creatures and I say to Jacques.. "Umm Real Vampires Sparkle." (Twilighters' know this.)

After the blood bath was over, I asked Jacques if he locked the doors. His reply, "Yes Honey, and I laid out some garlic." At one point, he was even kind enough to offer to "keep my mind busy" if you know what I mean...
Through the night, I heard things go dump, saw shadows and got spooked. Luckily, I was up most all night with Ryan, so I felt wide awake. Then Jason came into our room to slip in bed with us, and I thought, "Good. Safety in Numbers." I was glad he was with me and safe from lurking evils.
Until Next Time.. Stay Safe from Non Existing Things Lurking Under the Stairs on ELM street on Friday the Thirteenth after 30 Days of Night and eating Fried Green Tomatoes.

2:22 till 4:54 am

I was up with a screaming Ryan. Zachary was awake from about 3-4 too. Then at 5:59 they were both awake again. I don't know what was going on with Ryan.. Teething, Tummy Troubles, Fever, Illness? It was rough. He would scream if I sat down so I stood a lot. I even took his helmet off cause I was desperate.. then I thought maybe at this point, he felt naked without it so I out it back on.. Then took it back off. Poor Hubby. He had to be up at 5 and gone for PT. He was up with me most of the time, but he did get back to bed a little after 4. More Later. Hugs.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

50 things inspired by Julie.

1) Favorite object in your room? Bed.
2) Have you ever smoked? Maybe.
3) Do you own guns? No, never in our home.
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Java Chiller.
5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Depends where he's lookin' ; )
6) What do you think of hot dogs? Yum.
7) Favorite song? Right Now, Rockstar.
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee.
9) Can you do push ups? Maybe 2.
10) Can you do a chin up? Umm, No.
11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
Wedding Ring, maybe cause its the biggest Rock I have.
12) Do you like blue cheese? Yes, on Boneless Wings.
13) Ever been in a car wreck? Yes.
14) Pudding or Jello? Pudding.
15) Saving or Spending? Saving all the way.
16) Middle name? Dawn.
17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. Soccer will be canceled? Am I pregnant? Where's the Love?
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? A soft shell supreme, a burrito and a Mountain Dew.
19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Coffee, Soda
20) Current worry? Global Warming.
21) Current hate right now? Wet weather.
22) Tape or Glue? BOTH.
23) How did you bring in the New Year? Raising Babies.
24) Where would you like to be right now? At Grandma Longs.
25) States Visited? 19 maybe more.
26) Do you own slippers? Yes, Pink Ones.
27) What shirt are you wearing? A Pink One.
28) Satin sheets? Nope. Cotton.
29) Ring Size? Very Small 5.
30) Mac or PC? Dude, I got a Dell.
31) Would you be a pirate? If I could fornicate with Johnny Depp.
32) What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't have time to sing in there.
33) Favorite girls name? Grace.
34) Favorite boys name? Forest. We were going to name the baby that until we found out there were two.. Nothing really goes good with Forest except Tree. Tree Dake didn't work for either of us.
35) What's in your pocket? I am not wearing any. Hint Hint.
36) Last thing that made you laugh? Jason.
37) Best bed sheets as a child? Popples or Care Bears.
38) Worst injury you've ever had? I have a paper cut on the middle finger.
39) Do you love where you live? Not the House, but the Location.. Beach Baby!
40) How many TVs do you have in your house? Uno.
41) Who is your loudest friend? Hmmm.. They are all so poliet and quiet.. Sort of.
42) How many dogs do you have? None, do the kids count? Then Three.
43) Does someone have a crush on you? Who doesn't? Lewis, perhaps?
44) Lost and Gone? My boobs.. Oh wait, they are there, just above my knees.
45) What is your favorite book? For Now the Twilight Series.
47) Favorite Sports Team? Patriots.
48) Where is the next place you want to travel to? England.
49) What were you doing 12 AM last night? Feeding Zachary.
50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Please go back to sleep, Zachary. That was at 4:30 am.

memory lane is open, come on in.

If Ryan wore a dress.. KIDDING! Thanks for all the comments about us looking alike. Awe! That is me when I was little and wore dresses. I also had lovely gums.

I am having such fun going through old photos. I have already started adding them to flickr in a set called 2006. I am also tagging them with random things like "Iowa" "Dake Family" "Weis Family" ... so all you have to do is click the tag on the right hand side and that will bring up all the same photos with that tag.

Friday: Raining ChihuawasOut. Babies are crabby. Jason is at school and the hubby is at work. I will pick Jason up and we are coming home for leftovers. I have also set aside 4-5 pm for housework.

The Weekend: Soccer Game, if not rained out and a birthday party at the Children's Museum. I am sure the hubby will want to get out and send his birthday gift. I bought him a set of rims for the truck, he just has to pick them out and get them on. I am such a good wife.. Sunday I am hoping for a simple day at home.

And a note about the baby photo of me below.. Jason saw it and said, "You looked like a boy." Honesty is so refreshing from a five year old.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ryan and Mommy.

Wow, does Ryan look like me or what? Amazing Smile, He got it from ME! Era: 1983/2008

thursday things.. and a happy anniversary.

These are my Grandparents. Today they are celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary. I called to congratulate them because I doubt they are surfing the web. This photo was from their 50th Anniversary.

I am in the LONG process of scanning in old photos from 2007-2000 into the computer. I did not go digital until late of 2007 so I want to share some other favorites. I will post them all in new sets on flickr. I will link them up here later, much later. Then once all that fun is over, I am going old school.. I am talking 1990's and 1980's photos. By scanning them into the computer, it is taking saving non-digital memories to a whole nother level and I can back them up on a hard drive.

Today: Took Jason to school then I went to Walmart for diapers. Taking Jason to Speech after school then no other plans.

Hooray for Thursday, Anniversaries and Babies.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We have a Walker!

We have a Walker!
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Yay, Ryan. He took a bunch of unassisted steps today, so I got out the camera. He has been taking up to 2 steps, but today was a first with so many in a row.. Almost all grown up.. 9/24/2008

happy birthday, hubby!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


1. I found Zachary standing at the toilet today, Gross.
2. Ryan's top tooth has broke through.
3. I walked over 2 miles.
4. We went to the mall.
5. Jason is working on the letter Ff at school and had speech.
6. The babies are needed and tired.
7. New episode of House at 8:00.
8. I am warming up the coffee from this morning.
9. I was up early and twice in the night. Jacques was up once.
10. It is 4:52 pm.
11. Tomorrow Ryan has a check up in Charlotte, N.C.
12. I watched Knocked Up. Hello, Language!
13. I am exhausted.
14. I love Ziplocs.
15. I am still looking for wooden bobbins and wooden slide cases.
16. Tomorrow Jason has soccer practice.
17. Posted new video below and on flickr.

what does a cow say?

what does a cow say?
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Ryan thinks what cows say is super funny. I said this yesterday and he loved it. 9/22/2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

a zoo day.

The weather was great and after I picked up Jason from school we went to the Zoo for lunch and fun. The funny thing is, I think this kid loves the statues more than the actual exhibits. The babies really loved the aquarium this trip and would follow the brightly colored fish all over. I was able to pull right up to all of the tanks. They could pound on the glass at the fish, sending them into shock. Please do not inform PETA. I have a bunch of photos to post from our trip and I still have to post the ones from yesterday's trip to the children's museum. Look for those Later.

welcome back, fall.

Did you know that Fall actually starts at 11:44 am? Me neither. I never knew it was on such a strict schedule.

We had a horrible night with Zachary. Still not sure what is going on there. Ryan did fine and slept all night. We were all up at 4:30 this morning. I think I will be having a chat with Santa about Zachary. Naughty Boy.

But I sat down at the computer and decided to blow it off and be positive.. Then the computer froze up. Nice. Way to be half full.

Today: Coffee. Photos to post. Jason to and from school. Two babies to chase after. Hubby at work. Maybe crafting if I can think happy thoughts. I am not walking, way to cold for the munchkins.

I need a nanny. Interviews at 8:00. Only Grandparents need apply. Must have references and expect no pay and lots of upchuck. Formal attire a must.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

let's talk about yesterday.

Jason's team won their game. They all played great. You can see his photo below.

We drove through McD's after the game for some Joe and breakfast, even though we had already ate. And we were home by 11:00. We both got back into our comfy clothes and relaxed. I did quite a lot of housework then got real creative. I was excited and focused.

Then the phone rang.

It was Jacques in Charlotte, NC stuck at the airport. All flights to Columbia had been canceled for the day because of the Travis Barker Jet crash here at our airport. Then he says, " Come get me."

So last night at 5:23 I threw the diaper bag together, got all three kids around and made the 2 hour drive to Charlotte. Let me tell you how much fun that was.. Oh wait, No.

(Oh yeah and I have to go back on Wednesday for Ryan's check up. Super Fun!)

After we picked him up, he drove and all 3 kids slept. Then about 5 miles from our exit, he pulls off. I am like "Woooaa, what are you doing?" He is "Ohhh is this not it?" Then we proceed on a 30 minute detour while he tries to figure up were we will end up.. I thought about getting out and walking home to make better time. We finally arrived home about 9:30 last night. I was able to move Ryan from the car seat to the crib but Zachary was ready to play and was up for another 1.5 hours.

Both babies were rough all night because Zachary slept from 6-9 and Ryan from 7 on. So they were both up a lot through out the night and very early this morning with their dad.

Today: Rest and Ribs, Yum! Then after lunch we are headed to the children's museum with a Free Pass today. I am looking forward to some fun after last night. And here we Go!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Video...

Random Video...
Originally uploaded by mandydake
But I caught Ryan taking a step! Zachary is there too, and Jason. From Today. September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

9.5 Months


Yesterday was way more productive than I thought it would be. I did a ton of housework, watched my movie, and took Jason to soccer practice. I caught up a few things in Jason's baby book. The twins books are about 8 months behind. I have been jotting notes to add things and dates to them. Someday when they are like 30 (and still living at home) and I have extra time on my hands, I will update them while enjoying a latte at the spa.

Today: I still have late movies to return. I walked 2 miles and it was beautiful out. The Twins are 9.5 months old, no photos. Jason is at school and has speech after lunch. The hubby is at the airport waiting on a flight to Tampa, where he will be until Saturday.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

super mom had left the building.

I used the dishwasher to wash bottles and I have late Blockbuster movies. Seriously if ever I needed some extended family to come sit the kids for a few hours while I ran away to the spa, Today would be that day. I have been up with Zachary since 4:38 this morning. To make it worse, I had to stand in the room and bounce him cause I was scared if I left the room, Ryan would fall from the bed if he woke up. By 5:13, I gave up and put the tv on and would run to check on Ryan every 25.3 seconds. It was a good thing because at 25.6 seconds on the 15th check in, he was less than a foot away from falling.

I couldn't wait to get them into the car so they would sleep. And I was sooo looking forward to my walk to keep them busy in their stroller... Then it started raining. I am thinking that checking the weather may need to be added to my daily morning to-do's.

At this point, I am thinking I must be doing something wrong. Why are they not sleeping? Not enough solids? Not enough formula? Too many naps, not enough naps? Not enough bottles? Too much juice? Global warming bothering them? Ryan was so clingy yesterday that when I sat him down, he would squeal. I was Velcro yesterday.. He was stuck to me like lent. At least Zachary takes decent naps in the morning and afternoon. I am lucky if Ryan sleeps more than 20 minutes.

So like I said, this super mom is off today. Not going the extra mile. I am staying in my sweats and watching a movie. I think the hubby is picking up Jason from school so I don't have to get out again until this evening. I am assuming that soccer will be canceled if it continues to rain, but if not I will try to get my walk in tonight. And I need to hit walmart for diapers.

Until Then,

Slacker Mom Signing Off.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

brace yourself, announcement time..

We are expecting Baby No. 4 at the Dake House...

And it's a GIRL!

Seriously, come on.. Scared you tho, huh?

This oven is done toasting buns..

The real news is nothing big.

We will be here till at least June 2010.

And maybe till 2012.

tonight, my House.

Season Premier @ 8 pm tonight my House. Until Then, M

Monday, September 15, 2008


Zachary's first tooth is through. The second one should be out soon too! This is a better photo than the first. Click here to see it. (And don't worry, I always wash my hands before ramming into my childs mouth. Sometimes.)
Jacques noticed a couple days ago that Ryan was getting his top teeth. I was able to snap this photo last night. Hooray for teeth.

all cheeks and smiles.

Photos are up on flickr. That makes Zachary happy. Hugs, M

a quickie.

Okay.. Just home. Two More Miles in 35 minutes. Awesome. I have pictures to post once I have a few more minutes. Look for them later on flickr. Today: Just picking up Jason from school. More Later. Go, Monday!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

two more miles.

Yeah! This morning I was up early with Ryan. I drank some coffee; I got all the kids, myself and the hubby around and we all went on the walk. Jason rode his bike. Two More Miles. Way to Go, Flo.

Afterwards we went to the PX to get a present for Jason's party. The boys all had hot smelly fresh sticky sweet iced Cinnabon rolls that smelled like Heaven had been served on a tray.. I had milk.

I did get a new sports bra but was unable to find a pink water bottle. I think Target will have the one I want.. Target has everything I want. And I am still sticking by waiting 1 week before I buy new pink walking shoes.

On the way home, I was thinking ahead and about setting short term goals. Here are my short term 5 year goals:

Weight Loss
Travel (attn: Bell)
Buy the Hubby something he wants.
Tummy tuck (Seriously there is no other option after twins.)
Buy a House.
Get the babies to Elementary school.
Educate myself and/or get a job.

There you have it. The next 5 years in 7 lines. Enjoy your weekend. And here's to setting and conquering goals.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Labor Day Weekend. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Me and Bell.

Hooray for Friday,

Good Coffee and the Great Outdoors! Yay! So quick recap.. I was up with Zachary at 3:24 and laid him back down 3 times before he finally stayed in bed at 4:30. Then I was up at 6:13 with Ryan. I showered, got all the kids ready and got Jason to school.

After that, I stopped on post at a walking trail and walked over 2 miles. It is all up hill and down. At one point, I thought about letting the stroller go at the top and seeing if I could catch up with them.. KIDDING. The babies did great, as the always do in their stroller. So what I am planning on doing is walking that at least Mon-Fri (10 miles a week) after I drop Jason off at school. It is on my way home so that is perfect. Eventually I will go farther. I am also going to do it this weekend too to keep on track. We can either go as a family and Jason can ride his bike or I can go by myself. Oh and I need to buy a good reusable water bottle, a sports bra (maybe one of those miracle ones that way when I run I look like Pamela Anderson did on Baywatch.) And I think if I can keep this up for 1 week, I will treat myself to a good pair of pink walking shoes.

Today- No plans besides getting Jason from school. Leftovers for lunch. Hubby home at 5 hopefully. Jason has a birthday party to attend tomorrow. I still have more photos to share but until my scanner stops being a bully, I will have to wait.

Here's hopeing for another 4+ miles.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

slow start.

It is 10:54 and I am just now at the computer and posting. I made horrific coffee this morning. That started the delay.. Then I spilt the grounds all over. There is absoluetly no coffee in me.

Ryan's appointment went well yesterday. He is already making progress. We are sure he won't even be in the helmet the whole 12 weeks. Yay! Another appointment on the 24th.

Soccer practice was canceled due to the weather. There is not supppose to be a game on Saturday. And Jason has a birthday party to attend.

Today- Speech, Starbucks and Baby Annoucements. A soliders wife had a baby girl a week ago and I am making up 20 baby announcements. I have photos to post later after I kick the scanner around a bit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

the mirror has two faces.

the mirror has two faces.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Part One. The boys found my mirror yesterday. You can see Part Two below and they are both on flickr and you can view them on a larger scale there.

The Mirror, Take Two.

The Mirror, Take Two.
Originally uploaded by mandydake
Part Two. Ryan joins in more for fun. Part One Above.

hydrate and medicate.

Are my goals for today. I went to bed all sore with some Ibuprofen. Today I am not much better. This all hit last night. So like I said, lots of water and drugs today. Ohhh yeah, and I still have to raise the kids. Mommy's never get time-outs. But mainly, I am worried about not spreading the ick to the babies. I think I got it from Jason who was not feverish but hoarse. Sick Kids are no fun contrary to popular belief.

Today: Like I said, water and meds. Coffee this morning. Jason to school. And heading to Charlotte at 12:30 for Ryan's 2:30 appointment. The hubby got the afternoon off so he can ride with me. This is excellent. Now I can rest and sit with the babies. Then we have to rush back for 5:30 soccer practice. Did I mention that I don't feel well? Okay, Just Checking.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

current obsessions.

Wooden Spools.
Vintage Sheet Music.
Amy Butler Fabrics.
Mini Books.
Glue Sticks.
Chai Tea Latte w/ Soy Milk.
Garden Gnomes.
File Folders.


I was up only once or twice with Zachary and Jacques was up twice with Ryan. I think both boys are feverish and not feeling the best. Ryan's nose is still running clear. Zachary's most likely uncomfortable and feverish due to teething.

Jason is off at school and goes to speech afterwards. The hubby left for work at 6:15 and had a meeting a 7. Tomorrow is Ryan's 1st appointment check up for his helmet in Charlotte. Jason also starts practice tomorrow evening. His first game is on Saturday and we have a birthday party too. Our Fall is going to be so busy this year.

Weekly we will have:

school and work 5 days a week
speech 2 days a week
soccer game 1 day a week
soccer practice 1 day a week
Ryan's check up once every 7-14 days

Plus a bunch of school functions and TDY for the hubby starting with Tampa for 3 days next week. Now that school is back in, we usually have 2 birthday parties a month to attend. And then there are the holidays and unscheduled events that will sneak up and bite me in the butt. And I believe that the hubby is planning on playing football again this year which will add practices and two more games a week. Can you imagine when I have to add in Zachary and Ryan's school and sporting events? I will just move into the van with my coffee pot at that point.

Now just for fun and because the babies are on the opposite side of the baby gate.

10 things I am looking forward to:
1. Another Cup of Coffee.
2. Jacques Birthday (I can't wait to see what he gets me.)
3. Our Anniversary
4. Halloween (My most fave holiday.)
5. The Babies Nap Time
6. The weekend
7. Pay Day
8. Rainy Days
9. 5:20 pm
10. Bedtime

9 things I am not looking forward to:
1. Teething dirty diapers, yuck
2. Washing bottles
3. Occupying the babies while Jason is at speech
4. Driving to Charlotte tomorrow
5. Walking to the kitchen to fill my coffee cup.
6. Catching up on the babies books
7. Thinking ahead about supper
8. Armageddon
9. Filling up the van tomorrow

Ohhh and one more thing that I am super excited about.. I have read rumors that Lance will be back and out of retirement for the 2009 Tour. We are all about the Tour here in the Dake house.

OMG, I just heard the Brady is out for the entire season. My heart is broke.

Monday, September 08, 2008

two new teeth!

And they are in Zachary's mug, Yay! I had to shove my fingers in his mouth for a photo op but I was super excited, I mean HELLO, all my kids have teeth! I will try for a better photo later.
Go Zach, Grow them teeth!

yesterday was here.

Seriously Boys, Can I just get one decent photo? Note: Jason's silly smile, stretched shirt and wet collar. There are more photos up on flickr too. Family Photo: September 7, 08

Jason's open house was good yesterday. We learned that they are actually doing a full first grade curriculum which includes writing and reading, science, math, social studies, Spanish, manners course, and computer classes. And I found out that they are required by the state of SC to be in attendance 170 days out of 190, so 10 absences plus they can have an extra 10 days with doctors' notes.

Today: Coffee. Jason at school. Hubby at work. Ballgame at 6 and 8. Posting photos and videos to flickr. Babies at my feet. I am a little nervous cause Ryan has a clear runny nose. I will keep an eye on it. And here we go..

Sunday, September 07, 2008

too tired to post a title.

Ummmm yeah. Last night was rough. Zachary was up a bunch of times and even Ryan was up once. But Jason was up all night. He had got a new Wii game yesterday. And through out the night came in our room and asked if he could go play it. He was up from 1:45 till after 3:00. Finally Jacques told him he could not get up until the sun was up.

Yesterday was great. We took off and went over to Harbison BLVD. We went to Fazzoli's for lunch then over to Toys R Us to check out car seats for the babies. I had a coupon for $40.00 off so I thought we may want to take advantage of it. We got the car seats for $151.99 each after the coupon, so $302 total. OUCH! But still that $40 was awesome. Quote Me, twins are expensive.

And that, Hubby of the Year, took me to AC Moore, Michael's and Hobby Lobby all in the same day! Unfortunately, I didn't find much, just a few things. We also walked into Pet Smart. The babies loved watching the fish and bright colored birds. Then we walked over to Circuit City to look for a piece for the hubby's phone. It was a lovely day. Ohh and we hit sonic for half price drinks.

Supper was grilled cheese and peanut butter. Jacques made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Jason was in bed before nine. Then we watched We Own The Night which I thought was pretty good. And we were in bed by 11:00.

Today: Lots of laundry and housework. I have a bunch of photos to post to flickr. I am hoping to scrap. We have Jason's open house at school at 3:00. The hubby is making pancakes for breakfast and I am chugging the coffee. The hubby has yard work.

Let's get it started.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

great like elvis, without the tassles.

Both the babies are clapping on cue. It is super cute and they get so excited. I will try to get it on video to post on flickr. I also think Zachary is close to cutting his first tooth. Ryan is doing well in his helmet, but I am worried about the helmet smelling. We can only clean it once a day in the evening. Yuck. I am going to have a smelly kid.

Our night went well. Zachary stayed in bed twice with a bottle. He was up once at 550 ish but I was able to rock him back to sleep. Jacques got up with Ryan and I was able to sleep in until almost eight.

Just got an email from Mandi who just finished Twilight and is getting out today for Book 2.

Now: The hubby is back in bed and Ryan is asleep too. Jason is on the Wii. Zachary is at my feet and I am at the puter with a large coffee.. Yum. Let's Go Saturday! Hooray!

Friday, September 05, 2008

just because..

I have nothing better to do besides preparing for the hurricane and raising 3 kids. Questions originally from Tere's blog.

1.1) Are your parents married or divorced? My father passed when I was 4.

2) Vegetarian? Nope. Meat Rocks!

3) Heaven? Eventually, I assume.

4) Come close to dying? Nope, no drama here.

5) What jewelry do you wear 24/7? HA! I barely rarely remember to wear my wedding rings.

6) Are you eating? No.

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Sure but only raw, never cooked.

8) Makeup? Very rarely and only mineral make ups.

9) Were you usually the dumper or the dumpee in your past relationships? Hmm. I guess equally both.. Like I member whom I dumped and who dumped me.. Jerks.

10) Would you ever have plastic surgery? Been there, done that, doin' more.

11) What do you wear to bed? Clothing, duh.

12) Have you ever done anything illegal? I plea the fifth.

13) Can you roll your tongue? What? I am not sure I even want to know.

14) Pluck your eyebrows? Nope, been waxing since I was a teen.

15) What kind of watch(es) do you wear? None. My cell phone has a clock.

16) Abortion? Nope.

17) Hair color? Dark Blonde/Brown.. Throw in some grays that need covered.

18) Future child's name? There will be no more babies from my womb.

19) Do you snore? No. And I verified this with the hubby just now.

20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation? England.

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? I find it hard enough to share the bed with Jacques.

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Buy a house on the beach.

23) Gold or silver? Both!

24) Hamburger or hot dog? Hmmm.. Both.

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Pancakes.

26) Beach, city, or country? Ohh Big City and The Beach.

27) Who was the last person you touched? Zachary

28) Where do you eat? The living room.

29) Whens the last time you cried? 2 weeks-ish.

30) Have you loved somebody so much it makes you cry? Absolutely.

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I am gonna go with a no here.

32) Ever been involved with the police? A ticket once at 19 and a wreck when I was 16.

33)Believe in Santa Claus? WHAT? Is there a question about his existence?

34) Do you talk in your sleep? No. Again verified by the hubby, just now.

35) Beach or pool? Big fan of the beach, but I think chlorine tastes better than salt.

36) Can you cross your eyes? Yeah.

37) What's your favorite song at the moment? Waiting on a Woman. Brad Paisley.

38) Window seat or aisle? Depends on whose beside me.

39) Ever met anyone famous? Does the Mall Easter Bunny count?

40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? My marriage.

41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I break it before I put it in to boil.

42) Rickie Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Oprah.

43) Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted? Yes, wanna feel?

44) How long does your shower last? 5 minutes, maybe a few longer.

45) Do you drive a stick? No, but I can. I learned on a VW Rabbit in the 90's and my first vehicle was a stick shift.

46) Cake or ice cream? Cake.

47) Self-conscious? I have twins, what do you think that does to body image? ADUR!

48) What time do you get up? Always early, thanks to the munchkins.

49) Have you ever given money to a bum? No.

50) When was your first crush? Elementary School.

51) Where do you wish you were?In Kansas at Grandma's.

52) Have you ever broken some one's heart? Yeah, poor guy was crushed.

53) Ever been given a ring? Twice.

54) Longest relationship? Eight years dating the hubby, seven married.

55) Last gift you received? A horrible hat from the hubby.

56) Last sport you played? Does Wii tennis count?

57) Things you spend a lot of money on? Paper.

58) Where do you live? The East Coast.

59) High school you attend(ed): Central High School, Go Mustangs!

60) Last wedding attended? Anthony and April's in 2002.

61) Favorite fast food restaurant? Arby's

62) Where do you work? N/A

63) Can you cook? Nope, but I'd love to be Rachel Ray.

64) Most hated food? Peas.

65) Can you sing? Ummmm Hell NO!

66) Last concert attended? Kenny Chesney.

67) Last kiss? The hubby.

68) Favorite Alcoholic drink? Tequila.

69) Current crush? Always the Same ; )

good morning, friday..

And Hello, Weekend! Jacques and I were both up a handful of times with Zachary last night. I am not sure what is going on with that little one. This morning I was up at 6:20 with Ryan and getting Jason ready for school. I took Jason to school and left the hubby and babies at home. I stopped at Piggly Wiggly for a chai tea latte with soy and a few groceries. I enjoyed my latte and some loud music on the ride home.

No weekend plans, just watching Hurricane Hanna and hanging out at home. I do have some scrap supplies out and strewn across the desk. We will see if any thing gets accomplished..

Have a good weekend, See you Back here Monday! Hugs, M

Thursday, September 04, 2008

okay.. this one's for you, Mandi. (update)

UPDATES: Mandi has bought and is already half way through Book 1. Tina called back and told me not to worry about lending her Book 3 and 4 cause she bought them all.. I am soo good.

Mandi: I was just thinking to myself that I have not mentioned to you to read the Twilight series. I am not sure you are a reader, but honestly that won't matter. Two or three chapters in and you are in love. Go pick up a copy today! You can get it cheap at Walmart..

Julie: You know what I would say here so I am not going to say "Read the damn books already!"

Becca and Shawna: You got personal emails about the books. Please stand by with Kleenex.

UPDATE: Tina called me today asking if she could come by tomorrow for Books 3 and 4.

thursday things, updated..

And one more thing. I had given my copies of Twilight and New Moon to Tina telling her to read them, love them. I got a text yesterday from her saying "what have you done to me? i am intoxicated and one page 200 of book 2." She has only had them 6 days. Told ya, Tina. Now if only Julie would give in. Hmmm, I may need to bribe her..

My coffee tastes like sludge. I was out of my maxwell house, so I used some other kind that said "best within a week of opening" and that week that I opened it was in May. But it is hot and has caffeine, so I can stomach ick, I mean it.

I spent the morning watching Enchanted. Totally loved it! I think I will be belching out show tunes the rest of the day.
Thanks, Julie..

The hubby lost the ball game last night 6 to 7. He will play again tonight at 7.

The boys were 9 months old yesterday. I think Ryan will be walking in just a few weeks. He is doing fine in his helmet. He has learned that coughing makes me say "you okay?'' so after every real cough, he throws out a few fake ones too.

We are calling Zachary "Cheeks" now. New nicknames are great. He is just into everything. He loves to watch Baby Einstein videos first thing in the morning. He will walk soon too. He is my little eater.

I really really want to do scrapping. I think my glue stick is mad at me for neglect. I just have no time to sit lately and get anything done. And I have a ton of things I want to work on and start. The babies always follow me to the desk and are at my feet.. You'd think that they are waiting for me to drop food, like a couple starving chihuahuas.

Anyway, Hugs to all my peeps and I will holler at you later.. -M

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

in review.

Well I was surprised that our first night with Ryan in his helmet went well. He had a fussy period once, trying to get comfy, but that was it. It will come off as soon as he wakes up for a while.

Zachary was up 2 or 3 times with the hubby early on.. Then 3 more times! With me at 330, again with the hubby at 445 and at 530 with me again. I gave up, put toons on, started brewin' the caffeine and hopped on the blog.

Earlier this morning, Jason came and snuck in our bed.. Jacques and I both must have missed him cause we both cuddle up with him right away. But before that, Jacques went to check in on Jason and he said that he was just standing up by his bed. Hmmm?

More Later.. Maybe after I am awake. Coffee, Here I come..

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ryan has his helmet.

Today was Ryan's big day. He was fit into his helmet to correct his plagiocephaly. (Click here to read about his condition. Then here.) We were on the road at 5:45 this morning to Charlotte, NC about a 2 hour drive. He was put in the helmet right away and barely noticed it. He wore it for 3 hours, then we went back for a check up, had it off for an hour, had him seen again and then placed it back on for 3 more hours. He slept the whole way home, I drank coffee.

At home, we took it off at the 3 hour mark for about 35 minutes, then it was back on. We take it off every 3 hours today to make sure the red marks it is causing will fade. Tonight he will wear it to bed and all through night. Then tomorrow will be 3-4 hour intervals with short breaks.

He will need a bath nightly (duh!) with a head wash and shampoo. At that time, we will clean the helmet too, leave it off for an hour, then it is back on for the next 23 hours. He has already adjusted well, but it may be a rough night. Next check up is in 7 days.

goodbye bell.