And they are in Zachary's mug, Yay! I had to shove my fingers in his mouth for a photo op but I was super excited, I mean HELLO, all my kids have teeth! I will try for a better photo later. Go Zach, Grow them teeth!
YAY! Teeth are fun, especially when they are not grumpy teethers! I could never tell with Jacob, it was just like one day I would check and he would have 2 new teeth! Congrats on the teeth!
I am SAHM with a 9 year old and 5 year old TWIN BOYS! I was born and raised in Kansas. I married my sweetheart in 2001 and we just celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary this October. We moved to South Carolina from Iowa in 2007. And as of May 2010, we live in Minnesota.
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YAY! Teeth are fun, especially when they are not grumpy teethers! I could never tell with Jacob, it was just like one day I would check and he would have 2 new teeth! Congrats on the teeth!
Congrats on the teeth! I'm SHOCKED he let you take the picture. There is no way I can even get my fingers in my girls mouth let alone like that!
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