Friday, January 01, 2010

Twenty Ten Resolutions.

1. Jason needs an eye exam.

2. Twins need their first trip to the dentist.

3. REMOVE Zachary from our bed.

4. Lose 20 more pounds, Exercise. (Lost 35 pounds last year, and will start working on losing the last pounds too.)

5. Read. (Last year my goal was 12 or one a month. I read 38 novels. I figure if I can read that many a year, that's awesome. Look for a new set on flickr)

6. Try again to get wisdom teeth yanked out. (But don't hold breath.)

7. Move to Minnesota.

8. Plan a Spring Break Vacation. Sea World. Florida.

9. See Eclipse, the movie. June 10, 10

10. Learn to sew zipper pouches. (Thanks to Bell and a new sewing machine.)

11. Project 365: A photo a day. (Attempted this in '08, but only got through January. Look for a new set on flickr.)

12. Catch up on kids baby books. (Jason's is jam packed full. The babies are almost bare.)

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Where are you moving? That's something I wish we could do but DH's job keeps us in this area. *sigh* But I'm grateful he has such a great job at the same time!