Thursday, January 07, 2010

Pup Love: Edited.

Oh my Lincoln. He will be 11 months old in two days, and is over 60 pounds. He doesn't care for the camera anymore than Ryan so I was surprised to get such photos yesterday. He is just the best pup ever and so patient with the babies who occasionally mistake him for a horse.

We have never been dog people. Lincoln is both Jacques' and my first dog. I chose a boxer because Kal is always taking such great photos of Crash with her girls and she gave us a great breed recommendation. I even read that they are the best kid friendly dog and that boxers and kids go together like PB and J. I knew that was a dog for us. Anyway, a huge thanks again to Renee for bringing Lincoln into our family.

I decided I wanted a boxer on a Wednesday and told the hubby. By Sunday, it was a done deal and we had our little one picked out. That's how I got it with the hubby. He makes it happen.

And even though he chewed up our Wii antenna yesterday, chances are Zachary will end up at the pound before Lincoln.

Edited: About half hour after I posted this, I go into the living room to find Lincoln chewing up my bra! A frickin $50 Victoria Secrets bra that was farely new! I was soooo hot.. I called the hubby, who laughed and told me to not keep my lingerie's everywhere (which they weren't the dog got them out of our room). He said he'd buy me new bras and that if that is the extent of our problems, we got it good. Whatever!


kal said...

Lincoln is beautiful. Makes me nostalgic for Crash's younger years. There is no better pup. I'm so glad that it's working out for you guys, too. Those black faced brindles have some kind of awesome magic. I love Crash to pieces (although he's more of a grey face now).

Even when they're bad - they're not that bad.


Renee said...

oh yes....and undies could be next....mine have done that too....

gotta luv pups!

Unknown said...

Lo Flo,
The one good thing about the bra being eaten by Lincoln, at least you weren't wearing it. Sorry, I had to inject some humor here.
Love you LEWIS