Sunday, February 08, 2009

dake updates.

Still has some bruises from last weeks falls.
Loves cookies, baths and his mommy.
Runs to the bathroom at the sound of water or when you say bath.
Wiggles and "ohhhs" when he wants something.
Has an "I better get what I want attitude" or else throws a fit
Can wink with both eyes and wave.
22+ pounds.
Lactose intolerant.
Is ROUGH when it is bedtime, fights sleep and you.
Good eater.
Eats everything that is inedible too.
Points and "awwwes"
Curly, dark hair.
Knows what a kitty and puppy say.
Gives kisses.

Lip is healed.
Can tell you he is one when asked, in fingers.
Waves when asked or when responding to bye bye.
Loves baths and runs when it is that time.
Climbs up on the couch, lawn mover, beds, chairs, everything!
Very easy going, entertains himself and plays well.
Easy to put to naps and bed.
Gives Kisses.
Picky eater. Tries it, spits it out, studies it, then puts it back in.
Caught taking off own diaper.
Points and says "nah nah nah" No No No
Knows what a puppy and kitty say.
Fine, straight, blond hair.

Goes to speech 2 days a week.
Karate 4 times a week.
Is now a white/yellow stripe belt.
Loves Chips Ahoy cookies, PB and pizza.
Starting his 4th season of soccer this month.
Is reading very well.
Will need a haircut soon.
Loves the Wii and coloring, very creative.
Obsessed with Indiana Jones.

Has band aid on middle finger.
Wearing flip flops today and yesterday.
Has chipped toe nail polish and a Tom Brady shirt on.
Needs Excedrin and coffee.
Reading A Million Little Pieces.
Embarrassed that Oprah read it to. Very Fowl and Inappropriate.
Smells a poopy diaper.
Lost 9 pounds in 7 days.
Swears that there is a Baby Sock Monster digesting all of them.
Missed Rock of Love last night. Will watch at 1100 today.

Was at work by 5 this morning.
Worked hard in the yard yesterday.
Is remodeling our master bathroom.
Does all the family ironing and cooking.
Drinks too much soda.
Loves Mommy unconditionally.
Watches the History and Discovery channels non-stop.
Is coaching his 4th season of soccer.

1 comment:

k said...

How did you lose 9 lbs in 7 days? I need that diet. I can't shed this last 15-17 for the life of me.