Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday Facts.

Today I saw in the February issue of Southern Living on page 28, there is an article on Mamou, Louisiana. That is the Hubby's home town. It is a neat write up on how they celebrate Mardi Gras. I will scan it in another day.

Today the babies were quiet and playing nicely so I took that time to do dishes.. I should of known that quiet babies means that something is being destroyed. It was 3 blinds that will now all need replaced.

I absolutely LOVE Taco Bell and Arby's. The Hubby does not.

I picked up an issue of Martha Stewart's magazine yesterday. There was an article on packing for vacation. As I am reading, she tells about how she packs and where it goes.. Then I turn the page, and there is a picture of her Kindle that she "takes everywhere." Grrrr. It is haunting me..

Yesterday I went online trying to read reviews of a book that I want to read. I get a pop up. I hate pop ups. It said "Read this book NOW in 60 seconds on your Kindle." Ughh. Go Away.

I have lost 16 pounds in the 27 days.

Jason's schedule is super busy with speech 2 days a week, soccer 2 days a week, karate 4 days a week and school 5 days a week. Plus he has about 20 minutes of homework a night! To schedule mom time with him, I have to check his Blackberry and book an appointment days in advance.

Zachary and Ryan... Keep Me Busy.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Hi Mandy! I also love Arby's and Taco John's, not Taco Bell! But my hubby hates both, also. And I just wanted to let you know that I will never go high tech. I love books, too. Have fun with your boys and try not to lose track of Jason!