Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wednesday Morning.

This is me this morning. Trying to finish Eclipse for the 2nd time. I am 70%+ into it. I am ready for the movie. I will re read Breaking Dawn too, but not next. I have a library book, Dog's, and then a classic.

Last night Jason had soccer and the boy's brought home Subway. Then they all had baths and were off to bed so Daddy and I could watch some Idol. I went to bed at 10 and fell asleep with the my ipod on and in my ears.

Tonight I am going to see The Last Song wich hit theaters today. I read the book a few weeks ago, Thanks to Aimee : ) Loved it and am excited about the movie. It's showing at 9:50. I always go to the late showings so all the boys are in bed before I leave. Tonight I will have popcorn and a root beer.

I talked to the pediatrician and she is putting in a referral for a speech evaluation for Ryan. I don't think he's behind, just quite. We will see if he's right where he needs to be or if he needs a little help.

We have a house lined up in Minnesota. It's ours 99%. We are just waiting till we do a walk through to make sure it is what we want. Other than that, it's ours.

I also found what school Jason will attend, and he is even able to be bused. Even though we are only 2.58 miles from the school. That's a talk his daddy and I will have to have. I am not sure I want to hand over my child to a bus driver. And I have seen, first hand, the bullying that goes on in buses: Spiderman.

We are all set for Seaworld too. Our reservations are made at the hotel and we have our tickets. We will leave Tuesday morning. We are also going to the Kennedy Space Center. The hubby really wanted to see it too.

I am cursing Hershey's for making the mini Whopper Easter eggs that I can eat by the handful.

Jason is such a goof. He told his dad last night that he wants a cell phone at 10 to call Will, me and his dad. But when he's a little older "like 10 and a half" he's going to call all his friends too. This weekend I asked Jason to eat a strawberry. He said he would for $50 bucks. I said okay. Two teeny-weeny bites later, he decided he really didn't need the money.

I posted a bunch of photos to flickr yesterday.


Aimee said...

I had speech therapy when I was in elementary school. My dad is hard of hearing/nearly deaf so I picked up all his bad speech habits. The therapy was great though-I'm very articulate with hardly any southern accent :)

Tammy said...

Give the bus a chance. Not all of them have mean people. It's also about the bus driver and now buses come with cameras with sound. I love the fact that mine ride the bus. So give it a try and test it out. You can always stop if you don't like it. Get to be friends with the driver. They tend to keep an eye on your child more if they like you.