Sunday, March 07, 2010


We had a lazy start to our day. Breakfast, cartoons, naps.. Then we got out to run some errands. More photos tomorrow.

We had to get the babies new shoes. Two pairs of toddler shoes that cost me $73.83 and that was after the 50% off one pair. After checking out, the clerk reminded me that they would last the boys about 3 months before they would out grow them. Nice.

We stopped at Babies R Us because we needed some sippy cups. 4 cups and $12 dollars later, we headed to Carrabba's Italian Grill for lunch. As our food arrived, Ryan started to act up causing Jacques to leave the restaurant with him. He never returned so I had his boxed to go.

Then it was home for some rest, photos and outside play. Later we ran to Starbucks for some frapps and back home for baths and bed. Two of three are asleep. I need to move laundry around. Then I am off to bed with a book.

Tonight I decided that when I grow up, I want to work for National Geographic as a photographer. Imagine the things I could see. The places I could travel. The hubby always suggest that I open my own studio, but now I am thinking bigger. However, I may need to start out lower on the photo employment chain. Say with the state paper or maybe photographing grocery products for weekly sales flyers.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Awsome picture! And, I love buying shoes. I don't care how much is costs me, it's my favorite 'to do' in the world, ever. Jacob also loves buying new shoes but refuses to wear anything that's not a rain boot... Emrick already has too many shoes and when she started walking I rushed out and bought $75 worth of shoes just for her. I think I go a little overboard sometimes but, man, I love buying my kids shoes! I know it sounds crazy...