Saturday, March 13, 2010

On Opening Night.

I saw this in the theater last night. It was really long at 1 hour and 53 minutes. I didn't know that before hand. There were lots of cute lines through out the show. I thought the actress was as cute as a speckled pup. And Edward, ummmm, Pattinson was great. I loved seeing him as a grunge college kid. That's hot. He even made smoking sexy. Pierce Brosnan was in it as well. Not to mention some heavy-duty kissing scenes and then some ; )

I realized at 94% into the movie, I still didn't know why it was called Remember Me. I was also thinking I would just recommend to my friends to wait till it came out on dvd. But then the last 5-8 minutes made the movie.

That being said, I went into the movie knowing NOTHING about it so it was a huge kick in the gut the minute "I knew" and put it all together. For those of you who have read any reviews, scripts or by any means, know the ending, It will NOT have such an impact on you.

BELL- PLEASE do not read up on the movie. Just go see it if you get the chance or wait till it's out on dvd. BUT do not discuss it with anyone who may ruin it for you.

I went with a friend who bought us the tickets. I spent $17 on 2 sodas and a popcorn. And there were maybe 15 people total in the theater.

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