Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Twin Tuesday.

Ryan is so much bigger than Zach, by height and weight. He is not a talker, and content to play on his own. Unless dad is home, then he clings to him nonstop. But some days, he can be very emotional, not knowing what he wants. He takes great 2 hour naps daily. He still goes to bed at 8 on his own, wide awake. He wakes up 3-5 times a night though for more sippies. A habit that seriously needs broken, so this momma can get some sleep. He loves blankets and if he can find one, he will walk around saying, "nite nite." He loves playing trains, watching Thomas or Barney. He gets upset the moment you scold him, super sensitive. He has no interest in the potty at all yet. He is not a good eater. Some days he barely eats, but when he eats.. he eats! He is finally eating Cheeze Its and Goldfish. Loves breads. He also has this habit of hiding this behind the tv stand. There are trains, toys, and blocks back there. He loves baths and trains in the bath. It combines his two favorite hobbies.

Zachary. Trouble. That sums him up. I could stop there. But I will go on. He is into licking things. The bottom of shoes. The wall. The floor. You pant leg. He's weird. He is also showing a career path in the Pampered Chef industry as he "cooks" daily with my utensils and pots. (All which I have to wash after he has had them, thus piling up the dishes even more.) He can get into the child locked cabinets, the dvd storage area where he shoves dvds in the vcr and vise versa. He is rocking the potty, going all day and waking me up through out the night to go. He is NOT a good napper, and does not go down at night without a fight. Every night. He also wakes up through out the night 3-5 times. Not fun. He continually gets into the dogs water bowl. When he has something he shouldn't, you will find him tummy to the ground, laying on whatever he shouldn't have. He also goes into this position if you catch him with something. He is a much better eater than Ryan. He doesn't respond to scoldings. He looks at you like,"What you wanna yell at me?" He could care less if you spank his bottom. He eats Dum Dum suckers like crazy. But they are sugar free, so no complaints here. He also loves the word "bacon." He is a great talker and will repeat almost anything you ask him to say. He is putting small phrases together. In the middle of the night, when I give him his milk I hear, "tank you." Cute. He loves his burp rags, which he calls "raggie" and we prop it under his chin. He's a drooler. It's also good for snot.

1 comment:

Jeff and Janie said...

love, love, love your posts!!!!
PS I have had something in my car to send you in the mail for the past week....maybe next week Love, Aunt Janie