Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Wonderful

I woke up wanting to have a positive attitude today. Even after being up more than eight times last night with Ryan from 12:30-2:30 a.m. Bulletproof Positive, as Kal would say. And I have been. I am just letting everything roll right off my back including the fact that Zach won't nap. I also chose not to cuss today. Lately my mouth sounds like a sailor, not a mommy. I know it's awful especially with little ears around, but I feel like it's the only way I can vent my frustration. It's not. I am going to resolve it. It's 121 and there has been no foul words out of my mouth yet.

Jason had his 6 month dentist check up and I am happy that he has an amazing mouth full of perfect teeth. When we got home, I had a surprise Star Wars Lego kit for him.

The Eclipse movie trailer tease came out today. All 11 seconds of it that stopped my heart. I can't wait and I already have a movie date : ) Jordyn, are you ready? There are only 111 more days to go. Note the stellar countdown on the sidebar. -------->

HELLO- Not to mention that New Moon comes to video in 10 days. Yes, I will be out at midnight with all the ohter teeny boppers to get my copy.

I watched Couples Retreat yesterday with Vince Vaughn. Love him. Laughed my ass off occasionally.

Quote of the Day: "The harder I work, the more money I make, the bigger the diamonds." -Gene Simmons.

I totally love Dog the Bounty Hunter. I read his book last year and like him even more. Mullets can totally be pulled off, classy yet chic.

One goal of 2010 was to learn to sew zipper pouches. I first need to learn to sew a straight line. Bell hooked me up with a sewing machine now I just need to put it to use.. Maybe I will search for a super simple tutorial later.

This year I have read 11 books and 2 short stories. I am currently reading book 12, Ordinary World. I have a classic lined up next and a nonfiction vegan read. Last year this far in I had only read 8 by April.

To keep up the Bulletproof Positive, I am going to pick up Jason and grab a treat while we are out and about.

JULIE- I have an email in drafts for you.

AIMEE- You will get one too.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that tends to have a potty mouth to vent frustration!