After school today, we visited the zoo with Daddy. He had the day off because of Veteran's Day. It must of been close to feeding time cause all the animals were out and about and very active. First we went to the reptile house where this guy seemed to be annoyed at the flash photography : )

And about the nerd in the photo above: Jacques had an eye doctor appointment this morning. They dilated his pupils and then he had those roll up sunglasses to protect his eyes... AND Jason absolutely loved them! He wore them around the whole zoo the entire time! He looked like some old man. It was hilarious. I even saved this image in the computer under "nerd dake"
Then while we were at the zoo, I would ask Jason what animal he wanted to go see next and he would say, "I want to see the statues." And I am thinking, here we are at a zoo with over 360+ animals and the kid wants to see the statues!
And on our way to the zoo, he told his dad, "They have Graham Crackers out front." And we are thinking ummm... Then I realize what he is talking about, the Nutcrackers! Heheheh..
And just three more things: I accidentally rolled up the van window on Jacques foot.. He milked it all day.. Honestly, who puts their foot out a moving vehicle? ADUR.
On our way home, Jacques almost through us threw the windshield after slamming on the brakes to miss a dog that sprinted out in front of us.. He threw his arm out over me to save me.. And he missed the dog.. I was happy.
And last a Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister Shelby who is 16 today.. Happy Birthday!