Consider that your warning.. This may get long. Maybe you should grab lunch first then come back. Oh good you're ready! Here we go..
Because I haven't done an eight month update on the babies, I thought I should. They are just growing like weeds. Both are pulling up and standing to things. They are eating great, including lots of people food.. Today they had some waffles. They are gigglers and easily entertained by Jason. Walks keep them busy and they love being outside. At restaurants, they now sit in high chairs and that keeps them content, happy with mouths wide open. Zachary is a big Daddy's Boy and Ryan is a Momma's Boy.
Now that I have chatted about my littlest boys, it's only fair to tell you about my biggest boy. Yesterday Jason had speech. He has it 2 days a week and loves going. He is already correcting his Ff's and now we are working with Vv's too. He got a haircut yesterday so he is ready for school. He starts Kindergarten on Monday. I have a child in elementary school.. Wow. And today he delivered his Christmas list to me which included 12 items. It seems a little early for Christmas, maybe he didn't get the memo.
If you are a steady Dake Things reader, you know that I usually have black strong coffee running through my veins. I have been wanting a coffee pot with an automated timer so in the mornings it is always ready for me. Anyway I saw on the Fine Living Network that they were reviewing coffee makers. There were about 5 of them with all different price ranges.. They did a blind taste test with all the same coffees and all brewed the same according to the directions.. And the winner was the Black and Decker Smart Brew for $28 bucks, I will be adding that to my shopping list. I am also going to get a reusable coffee filter for it. I am excited at the thought of an amazing coffee brewed here at my home... Hopefully Starbucks will continue to thrive without
some of my business.
As for the weekend, I want to eat some kick ass steak and loaded baked potato's while indulging in an ice cold adult beverage. I am thinking bottled Bud Light, poured into a frosted glass.
Yum! It is not often we have beer and we never keep any in the house. So on the rare occasion that I do want beer, it always tastes exceptionally well.
I would like to do something creative, anything really. It has been a while since I done any scrapping. I'd like to clean out the vehicles and the grass needs mowed. I am sure Jason would love to slip and slide and we can plop the babies in their pool. I have yet to start my new book, maybe that will happen.. I doubt it. We bought the movie Troy because I still haven't seen it and who doesn't love a great Greek tragedy with the Pittster half naked in the whole thing? I think we can
make time to see that too this weekend.
Okay I need to email the hubby a grocery list for after work. Have a Good One, See ya back here on Monday! Hugs, Momma Dake