For doing all our laundry, folding and putting it all away, including my bedding- For washing all the bottles- For the $4 you lent me for sunglasses- And the $8 you lent the hubby- For all the vintage papers you brought for me from home- For rearranging both bedrooms at 9:00 at night- For repeatedly rocking the babies to sleep- For taking Jason to the movies- For surprising Jason with his book bag- For leaving me with a clean, spotless house and your Oprah magazine- For watching the babies while I ran errands- For encouraging me to go to the bookstore all the way across SC for a book I truly wanted, then riding with me- For fixing my camera when my heart was broke about it- For cooking meals- For watching all the kids when I was ill- For walking the babies while I took a break- For taking Jason on bike rides and watching him slipy slide- For buying me Soy-Joys and the coffee tin hang up- For returning the old formula to Walmart- For catering to me and my three kids- For paying for the umbrella and the parking at the beach and for driving home- For all the sweet treats at Starbucks and the Chinese take out- For unpacking and then repacking a ton of boxes that I had yet to unpack- For reorganizing the shed, closets, sink and trailer- For cutting a pine apple for Jason and spoiling him with treats- For teaching me to thread a bobbin and the sewing machine- For getting me the organizer from the neighbors "house"- For buying the babies a swing set- For magic erasin' the walls, dusting my light fixtures and ceiling fan- For sweeping the drive way and decks, repeatedly-
And for changing
all those diapers..
And for letting a stranger drape a very large, scary python around your neck, all in the name of facing your fears... and of course, the great photo op.
Basically just thanks for dropping everything, flying 1200 miles, and staying with me for 12 days. You Rock!
Ohhhh yeah, And thank you too, Bert.
Sounds like you have an AWESOME mom!!!
You just reminded me that I should probably thank my mom for doing all those mom things, too!
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