Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday Morning.

The hubby was outta town last night, so the kids and I spent the evening outside, ate leftovers, took showers and hit the hay at 830. There was no more vomit and we got a decent nights rest. I was up 4 times getting milk for babies but that's usual. I wonder when they will start sleeping through the night. I need a nanny.

This morning there was java, waffles, reading, scrapping. And it's only 1041. I just snuck in a shower while Jason busied the babies. There aren't really any plans for the day It's chilly and windy out and the boys are still in pajamas.

I have paperwork I could fill out for Jason's school but that doesn't excite me. I considered catching up the babies baby books, but then realized I am 2 years behind and wondering if I will ever be caught up. Ugh. That's the 2nd and 3rd baby syndrome there or maybe just the fact that I gave birth to two human beings at once. Jason's is sooo full it's likely to burst.

The hubby will be back this afternoon. We'll need milk. We'll have chili for supper. I just heard Zach say, "need buy some Willy Wonka bars." He is super funny.

Ryan is sure starting to talk. That's awesome. He has an audiology appointment on Sept 8th to make sure his ears are working properly. I have no doubt that they are, but the ped's doctor said we should have them checked out.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Mini Me.

Jason: "Mom when I'm a teenager, will you make my car payments?"

I told Jason his dad wanted him to call him.. and he says, "Okay. Where's my phone? Oh wait, I don't have one."

It was timed perfect and soooo sarcastic. The kid is totally me!!

Love it.

He's pushing hard for a cell phone. We'll see how long his dad holds out. He's a big teddy bear when it comes to Jason.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't count your chickens eggs...

Zachary puked again last night shortly after midnight. We are goning to the doctor today. This is day 8 of illness. Go Tuesday!

Monday, August 23, 2010

I found balance today.

You must read the post below first or you will not follow me here.

With the day off and relatively well kids, after a spell of anxiety (hence again post below) I actually managed my time well today and found that balance. Yes, I realize that everyday may be a challenge to fit it all in, but I will know that I have done it.

Not only did I jump back on the scrapbook wagon, but I did three pages. I knew that was the limit due to the amount of time and indecisiveness on page three. I even got one of them into the album it belongs too.

I read 16 pages of my new book and I'll read more this evening. I hope. Balance. Bedtimes.

I managed a 10.3 mile bike ride.

I played with dolls and I took photos.

I cooked lunch for the kids, rocked them, got them to nap. I did everything that a Super Mom does, and found the time, here and there, to do things that I love.

In the drivers seat.

Today I was unpacking, yes there are still a few boxes around, my scrapbooks. I took time to look through all 8 of them. They span 2000-2009. I fixed any letters that the glue no longer held, and I remember that I am actually pretty damn amazing at making lovely layouts. I shelved the books, color coordinated and realized that I had yet to purchase an album to store 2010 pages. That says it all. And my cutting blade was super duper dull. A trip to Hobby Lobby is in store later tonight. Just necessities that I used to buy in bulk; glues, album.

I have not scrapped but 2 pages since October 2009. I got into a "every time I try to do a page a baby crawls up my ass" slump. And that's where I have been stuck. Not to mention, having it all packed up, moving 1200 miles doesn't help. And trying to set up a studio as spectacular as my last. Hello, the new office room is green, how can that be stellar?

This morning, while the kids were coloring/eating the crayons, I took time to attempt to put my area in a more functional set up. I am quite pleased. I am ready to work.

Ohh but that brings up issue #346, I have to print out photos. Since going digital, so many photos are lost in my computer and not on actual glossy paper no. 5. I used to print at least 2 a month, but now I am many months behind. I'd say at least 6 months. I have yet to print any here in Mankato.

This also pops up more issues like, maybe I should be reading to my kids or playing trains instead of wasting time gluing pictures on paper.

Which brings up a major issue: Balance. Life is hard enough with 3 kids, a needy husband, a job, reading, blogging, dolls, photography, biking and life in general. Notice I didn't say cooking or cleaning? It's because my priorities are in check if nothing else. I need one more thing to keep me busy like I need a snapping turtle in my underwear. Seriously.

Another thing that scares me (not that it will matter when I am 6 feet under) but until then, I worry about where all those albums will go when I am gone. I doubt that my boys will ask for them. I know that Jordyn will, and does now, cherish all hers. But that's alot of my time and love (again with the balance) that I have put into those books over the years. They mean the world to me. The stories, the memories, the way all of us have changed. And I'd hate to see them pitched.

It's a great thing that I set aside an extra hour for worrying today.

Soo I think there may have been a point somewhere in all those rambling paragraphs above. If there is and you find it, email me the details. No, seriously, I think I was getting to the point that I remember that I love scrapping, no matter what or where they'll end up or who looks at them, and that I will try to add it back to my life, even if that means duct taping the kids to chairs for half an hour. Joking. Maybe. We'll see how they behave.

The photo is a page of a art journal that I flipped thru today too. It made as much since then when I made it in June 2008 as it does today, two+ years later.

PS- Lewis I Love You.

monday morning.

We made it through the night with no puke. Two arm pumps up!

I was up at 630 with Ryan. Got myself around to run to Jason's school to sign up for a meet the teacher time. When I got home, Zach still wasn't himself. I was/am waiting for puke.

I took the day off, just in case because he still isn't feeling well. Jason, Ryan and I were already in our work clothes, but hey, babies first. That will also give us tomorrow to heal then I work Wednesday.

Let's kick this crap out. GO!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Simple Sunday Update.

Jason is doing well. Hives are going away and so is weird rash. He has not puked since late Friday night, but did not feel well yesterday afternoon.

We spent all weekend home, resting watching movies and relaxing..

Ryan puked at 115 a.m. last night, which was unexpected because he had not puked since Thursday at 530 p.m. But he was fine today. Grouchy occasionally and didn't take a nap. He went down at 806.

Zachary, who had not puked since 130 ish on Thursday, puked today at 200 p.m. Again it was unexpected, but I could tell he wasn't feeling well.

Here's hoping we make it through the night. I hope. I have to work tomorrow.

Friday, August 20, 2010

And then there was more...

You should probably read the post under this first, just to get caught up..

It's Friday night and the babies made it all day without puking!! Hooray..

BUT now Jason is... Three times already in 15 minutes. And here we go again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Warning! Graphic Content!

We are on Day 5 of sick toddlers. This will read like a piece of fiction. Unrealistic.

Saturday night, the twins and I were home alone while daddy and Jason were out camping with the Scouts. I put Ryan to bed at 8:30 and Zach and I followed around 9:00. At two in the morning, I hear Ryan stir, I get up thinking he needs more milk. But as I am tackling the last flight of stairs, the stench of vomit overwhelms my nostrils.

He had puked all over himself, the bed, everywhere. He is running a fever too. I get him up first. I always clean the kids up first. Then I wrap up the bedding, get new bedding down and get him back in bed. It took about 20 minutes for clean up detail. I am back in bed, worried about his fever rising, but manage to get a little more sleep..

before he pukes again at 4:50. Up the stairs I go. Clean him up. New pjs, diaper. Undo the bedding, put new sheets down. And crawl back to bed for another hour maybe. He was feverish, hot, ill and puking all through out the day.

So Sunday morning was the same, more vomit, Tylenol and attitudes. The hubby and Jason got home before 11 and around 12 we thought we could quickly get some lunch through a drive thru and get home.. Ryan feel asleep before we got home. As I carried him up to his bed, blahhhh, all over me, him. I ran and sit him on the bathroom counter, and I can just feel puke dripping off and splattering on my feet. Chunky...

So we survived Sunday and got through the night.

Monday morning, he puked again at around 6 a.m. and then again around 1:00. At 530 the hubby got home and we needed milk and dog food. He thought we should all ride along and get outta the house. Not the best choice.

When we pulled up to Walmart, I wasn't sure about taking Ryan in. Can you imagine puke on Aisle 7? Ack. But we went for it. Daddy got Ryan out and carries him. I was going for Zach then all of the sudden, blahhhhhh, all over and down daddy and Ryan.. in the parking lot. And a lot of it. So we clean him up, put him back in the car.. Daddy stinks, but I had an extra shirt for him. We even had to hit a car wash, because there was puke down the car. He was sick again around midnight.

Tuesday.. Soo a lot less vomit today. I am thinking he is still warm, but gonna be okay.. Whew!

Tuesday night.. I hear Jacques scream, I get down to the basement just in time to see Zachary barfing all over.. 3 times total with in the hour. We did make it through the night with no vomit.

EDITED.. I forgot to mention that the hubby was gone, overnight, Wednesday! ACK!

Wednesday.. Ryan is doing much better. Still not 100%, but not barfing, and that works well for me. Zachary continues to puke through out the day, including at and all over the dinner table.. We make it through the night with no vomit. I am ecstatic.

Thursday.. I think that both babies may pull through. Both are still a little of their game, but I am hopeful.

Until Naptime. Ryan is down. Zach and I are in my bed. At this point, I am just exhausted from the last 5 days. He starts to fuss just 20 minutes into our nap when all of the sudden, blahhhhhh. Twice. All over my bed. I quickly get him up and strip the bedding before it gets to the mattress. I get Zach to the tub and get the laundry going. Have I mentioned how many loads I have done at this point? Or how my house reeks of Clorox, Vomit and carpet cleaner??

But the good news is that Ryan has not been sick since Midnight on Monday.

Until he sits down at the dinner table.. eating a fries, then blahhhhh. Twice. All over himself, the chair and floor... and then as I am cleaning him up, he continues to eat his fries.. Ugh.

So here we are on Friday morning. Zach hasn't puked since 130 on Thursday and 530 for Ryan. So we are headed for 18+ hours. I have a meeting today at 10 that shouldn't be more than an hour, so I am having the kids stay with a co-workers teens (which the hubby is not happy about at all, but that could be a post of it's own. It's their first time with a sitter, ever.) I am hoping they can hold off any tummy tricks for just one hour. I can not believe how long this has gone on.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ryan has been sick since Sunday 2 a.m. He's been regurgitating a lot and running a fever. Now I am scared Zach is going to catch it.

Yesterday I went thru Jason's dresser and made him try on all the jeans. 13 pair were to small and went into the baby's totes for hand me downs. It's crazy because he was still wearing 5T's for the last two years, but now his legs are growing. We still have to go back to school clothes and supply shopping, but no rush because he doesn't start till September 9th.

And he did get his new bike, and is riding 6+ miles a day. Photos on flickr.

Started a new book today. Book #41 for 2010.

Zachary saw a Free Willy poster yesterday and said, "Aww Shamu." I love that we were able to take them to Seaworld and that he associates killer whales with only Shamu.

Jason loves the show Billy the Exterminator. He is always asking for a tee shirt. On Friday, I ordered one without telling him. It came today. He was ecstatic. His father tried to take the credit. Photo on flickr.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Night Riders.

Tonight I was ready to head out for my ride around 645, but Jason really wanted to go. I have been trying to explain the difference when me and daddy go compared to when we ride as a family. I knew he couldn't keep up with my average 12-14 mph obviously, but I thought if I went slower in a higher gear (3.6) I would still get in a good ride. Well I did, I am feeling the burn, and I can definitely see more tolerance with some hills that I am hitting.

We went slower at 6-8 mph, occasionally higher, but it was nice to be out with him, and he really enjoyed himself. He kept up. Rode where he was suppose to. Was considerate to other riders. Overall, he is amazing. But we all knew that : )

As we were hitting our half way mark to turn around, we saw the hubby and the twins pull up in the van. (On a stellar side note, when he pops up randomly, anywhere, my heart flutters.) He had decided to drive along the trail in case Jason wasn't doing well. Jason said he was and dod not want to leave with his dad. He continued his ride with me and by the time we got back home, we had ridden exactly 6 miles.

This will defiently be something we can do together. Even 2-3 times a week at 6 miles with Jason is still good. And it's great one on one time. Now we need to look at getting him a new bike.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Dakes Minus One.

Daddy is outta town and that means supper was mac and cheese with fish sticks.

Ryan has shown interest in the potty, for the first time, today. He wanted his diaper off to sit on it. Before he would never even set on it.

It rained on and off all day including some thunderstorms.

I spent most of the day reading while the kids did random activities, to keep them busy inside, because of the weather. I am on my 40th novel of the year. I also have library books due on Saturday.

Zachary insisted on a PB sandwhich for breakfast.

Sunday we went to the zoo, see photos below.

Monday, while at work, I met Ms. Minnesota.

Yesterday I unpacked two more boxes even though we have been here 3 months. Slow and steady..

I wash dishes in Dawn and Clorox. That's how my mom and grandma do it. Jacques thinks it's weird. I also rarely let him wash dishes. It's amazing that he offers and isn't "afraid to get his hands wet" (insert cute pun here) but I am too neurotic anxious to leave the task to him.

Zachary says, "Wash chalk fctry." ... Watch Chocolate Factory.

Jason starts school on September 9th.

I did not ride today. I was dressed and out in the garage before six, only to hear rain on the roof.

It's 7:51 and I am ready for babies to be in bed.

This post has been edited.. I forgot to inform you that there are only 464 days till Breaking Dawn One.. get your tickets soon!

Como Zoo: Sunday in St. Paul

Vist the photos larger on flickr (you must be signed in) or click on photo to enlarge.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Bike Review: Week One.

Days Rode: 6 out of 7

I wanted to ride on the 7th day, but between both jobs, we couldn't find time to fit it in.

Average MPH: 12-14 mph

Fastest Speed: 32 mph downhill

Average Time per Ride: 40-45 minutes

Average Day Ride: 7.4 miles (3 days on this route)

Average Trail Terrain: hills and flat spreads

Total Miles Rode in 6 days: 42.5 Miles

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I have always wanted nice legs. Maybe it's because in high school, the boys said I had chicken legs because they were so skinny.. and luckily, through out 2 pregnancies and 10 years, I still do. They never got big. Thighs? That's another story.

Last year I lost a total of 35 pounds just with my dieting alone, this year, now, I want to add exercise. I told Jacques my thoughts about biking on Thursday night.. Friday night, he bought me a bike. I was back and forth about buying one in the shop, because while I will spend $50 on a game for Jason in a heartbeat, spending $2 dollars on myself kills me. With Jacques points of "having something for myself, getting in better shape and being without the kids for at least an hour a day," that's all he had to say. I was SOLD.
Here is my bike.. and here we are on bike day 4 and I have already rode a total of 25 miles. I am enjoying the time out by myself. It takes me 40-45 minutes to ride the 7.4 miles that I have been riding. I am switching between riding first thing in the morning, like today, I was up and there at 600 and done with my ride before 700. And then riding in the evening. I ride at an average of 12-13 MPH. But I go down this big hill on my rides and today I hit 26 MPH going down, it was crazy fast and I was riding those breaks.. Going up it kicks my ass. No joke.

This also means that I am getting all my cardio done outside of the gym so when I start hitting the gym, I can just focus on weights and toning. This also means that I have plans to go all the way with this, like I tend to do when I start anything..

I will ride big. Just wait.