We are on Day 5 of sick toddlers. This will read like a piece of fiction. Unrealistic.
Saturday night, the twins and I were home alone while daddy and Jason were out camping with the Scouts. I put Ryan to bed at 8:30 and Zach and I followed around 9:00. At two in the morning, I hear Ryan stir, I get up thinking he needs more milk. But as I am tackling the last flight of stairs, the stench of vomit overwhelms my nostrils.
He had puked all over himself, the bed, everywhere. He is running a fever too. I get him up first. I always clean the kids up first. Then I wrap up the bedding, get new bedding down and get him back in bed. It took about 20 minutes for clean up detail. I am back in bed, worried about his fever rising, but manage to get a little more sleep..
before he pukes again at 4:50. Up the stairs I go. Clean him up. New pjs, diaper. Undo the bedding, put new sheets down. And crawl back to bed for another hour maybe. He was feverish, hot, ill and puking all through out the day.
So Sunday morning was the same, more vomit, Tylenol and attitudes. The hubby and Jason got home before 11 and around 12 we thought we could quickly get some lunch through a drive thru and get home.. Ryan feel asleep before we got home. As I carried him up to his bed, blahhhh, all over me, him. I ran and sit him on the bathroom counter, and I can just feel puke dripping off and splattering on my feet. Chunky...
So we survived Sunday and got through the night.
Monday morning, he puked again at around 6 a.m. and then again around 1:00. At 530 the hubby got home and we needed milk and dog food. He thought we should all ride along and get outta the house. Not the best choice.
When we pulled up to Walmart, I wasn't sure about taking Ryan in. Can you imagine puke on Aisle 7? Ack. But we went for it. Daddy got Ryan out and carries him. I was going for Zach then all of the sudden, blahhhhhh, all over and down daddy and Ryan.. in the parking lot. And a lot of it. So we clean him up, put him back in the car.. Daddy stinks, but I had an extra shirt for him. We even had to hit a car wash, because there was puke down the car. He was sick again around midnight.
Tuesday.. Soo a lot less vomit today. I am thinking he is still warm, but gonna be okay.. Whew!
Tuesday night.. I hear Jacques scream, I get down to the basement just in time to see Zachary barfing all over.. 3 times total with in the hour. We did make it through the night with no vomit.
EDITED.. I forgot to mention that the hubby was gone, overnight, Wednesday! ACK!
Wednesday.. Ryan is doing much better. Still not 100%, but not barfing, and that works well for me. Zachary continues to puke through out the day, including at and all over the dinner table.. We make it through the night with no vomit. I am ecstatic.
Thursday.. I think that both babies may pull through. Both are still a little of their game, but I am hopeful.
Until Naptime. Ryan is down. Zach and I are in my bed. At this point, I am just exhausted from the last 5 days. He starts to fuss just 20 minutes into our nap when all of the sudden, blahhhhhh. Twice. All over my bed. I quickly get him up and strip the bedding before it gets to the mattress. I get Zach to the tub and get the laundry going. Have I mentioned how many loads I have done at this point? Or how my house reeks of Clorox, Vomit and carpet cleaner??
But the good news is that Ryan has not been sick since Midnight on Monday.
Until he sits down at the dinner table.. eating a fries, then blahhhhh. Twice. All over himself, the chair and floor... and then as I am cleaning him up, he continues to eat his fries.. Ugh.
So here we are on Friday morning. Zach hasn't puked since 130 on Thursday and 530 for Ryan. So we are headed for 18+ hours. I have a meeting today at 10 that shouldn't be more than an hour, so I am having the kids stay with a co-workers teens
(which the hubby is not happy about at all, but that could be a post of it's own. It's their first time with a sitter, ever.) I am hoping they can hold off any tummy tricks for just one hour. I can not believe how long this has gone on.