Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Dakes Minus One.

Daddy is outta town and that means supper was mac and cheese with fish sticks.

Ryan has shown interest in the potty, for the first time, today. He wanted his diaper off to sit on it. Before he would never even set on it.

It rained on and off all day including some thunderstorms.

I spent most of the day reading while the kids did random activities, to keep them busy inside, because of the weather. I am on my 40th novel of the year. I also have library books due on Saturday.

Zachary insisted on a PB sandwhich for breakfast.

Sunday we went to the zoo, see photos below.

Monday, while at work, I met Ms. Minnesota.

Yesterday I unpacked two more boxes even though we have been here 3 months. Slow and steady..

I wash dishes in Dawn and Clorox. That's how my mom and grandma do it. Jacques thinks it's weird. I also rarely let him wash dishes. It's amazing that he offers and isn't "afraid to get his hands wet" (insert cute pun here) but I am too neurotic anxious to leave the task to him.

Zachary says, "Wash chalk fctry." ... Watch Chocolate Factory.

Jason starts school on September 9th.

I did not ride today. I was dressed and out in the garage before six, only to hear rain on the roof.

It's 7:51 and I am ready for babies to be in bed.

This post has been edited.. I forgot to inform you that there are only 464 days till Breaking Dawn One.. get your tickets soon!

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