And as for the rest of of my night, (Get it, rest of the night? Hehehe, that would be funny if I ever got any!), I took Zachary back to bed at 3:55 am and he stayed asleep until 6:30. So I did manage to catch a few winks until I got up at 6:00. I think maybe a good hour and a half.
And as for the weekend, I did watch Troy and LOVED it! I did have steak and tatos, and we did buy a six pack, but didn't drink any. I also saw Dan in Real Life and loved it. The hubby mowed and got a lot done outside.
No plans for today. Just Enjoying Life on Little Sleep.
Hope the first day of kindergarten went great!!
Oh, os lucky he was excited to go! That is so fun! He's so big, I can't imagine mine going to school! Sorry you didn't get to sleep last night! Hopefully tonight will be better!
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