Here's the deal: It's cookie dough. I am thinking it is un-mail-able. What I am thinking, you buy the cookie dough to help out Jason, and Jason will eat the cookie dough. I figure you may all be kind hearted enough to support him without receiving the goods.
About the Dough: It comes in a 3 POUND tub that make 4 DOZEN cookies. It is good for 6 months, if frozen. And the best part? They are all trans fat free! That means I am willing to help Jason eat them, for the good of the school, of course ; ) Here is the link to all 15 flavors (via flickr.) All flavors are just $14.00. Money is due on January 21st, so please get those checks in the mail. If you would like, I can take Pay Pal then write out a check myself to the school.
Any Questions? Just call or email me. Thanks, Mommy and Jason
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