Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Moving to Mankato, Minnesota in May.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Two New Things.
2.) We are now being sent to Mankato, Minnesota in May/June. That is fine by me because it's a much larger town and it's even closer to home.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday. With a Friday Photo.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Nap Time.
As soon as we got home, almost noon, Ryan went straight down and is still asleep now at 2:15. I was in working on the computer and was thinking, "Geeze Yo Gabba Gabba is really entertaining Zach." This is what I found.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
More on Wednesday.
Supper was sloppy joes.
I bathed 3 boys and sent 2 off to bed.
Jason's homework took more than an hour tonight. Two math papers, each double sided. A double sided phonics paper. Chapter reading and Vocab. Plus he has to write a paragraph, with a topic, using 10 spelling words, that have nothing in common. Tonight's were: store, chore, morning, born, third, whirl, core, pore, tore and shore.
American Idol is on at 9 and it's the top 24 announced.
Took the boys to Burger King play place after my check up. We were the only ones there, but as usual, some parentless child, or non-paying customers come with their kids that are filthy or way too big and mean to actually be there, and ruin the fun for us and my toddlers. Whom get trampled.
More tomorrow.
Yesterday I caught the boys, with shoes on, stomping grapes into the hardwood floor. They must think they are Italian.
Lincoln chewed a hole in the couch. Photos later.
I am reading Capote.
The hubby bought me The Time Travelers Wife on dvd this weekend, but I have yet to watch it. I read the book and saw it in theaters.
Disney on Ice tickets are on sale privately today, to cool people like me, before they go on sale to the public in two weeks. I will get two rink side tickets, that's where you want to be at a show like this, for Jason and I to go in April. I love Disney on Ice and look forward to it every year. This years theme/show is 100 Years of Magic. I also look forward to the cotton candy.
The US Army issued Jacques "Extreme Winter Weather Gear" for Minnesota. That's not a good sign.
I am growing my hair out. I want it long, to pull back. I will also lighten it up for the summer.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Wisdom Teeth Removal Review with Update.

Surprisingly the procedure was easier than I thought. I kept my eyes closed so not to see any chainsaws that were likely part of the deal. However 3 of the teeth had a hook or an 90 degree angle, making them harder to rip out of my head. I posted one photo, but won't post the others. Yes, I kept the teeth. Afterward, full of blood and gauze, I went to Walgreens for my Rx, that also included an issue of Oprah and an ice pack.
When I got home, the hubby had made me a bed up on the couch and did laundry. He had even shampooed the other couch and some cushions. I rested all day, never really napping and definitely not reading. (I really thought I would be able to read and veg out. No. In fact, I didn't read until Saturday and just a handful of pages.)
The Catch 22 with the whole situation is that to take a pain pill you must eat, but if you eat, you have to syringe your mouth and holes out with salt water, gargle and then brush your teeth. The process takes a good 20 minutes every time. Not fun. It's a vishous cycle. Not to mention that the doc was out of the office Friday, so I knew I was on my own for the 3 days till Monday.
Thursday and Friday were the worst. I was taking Vicodin every 3-4 hours instead of the recommended one every 6 hours. I would do fine, until the meds would were off. Then it took at leas 45 minutes until the next would kick in so I would be really bad off those minutes. I also kept ice packs on each cheek, and even all the way up my to my ear. During the night, it would get so bad that I played mind games in bed to keep my focus off the pain. Not to mention Zachary kicked my cheek in the middle of the night, with his heel, causing more pain for another half hour.
Saturday I took my last Vicodin and started some Ibuprofen that I had in the house. I did really pretty good that day. But Sunday I was sore again and napped and went to bed early, after not eating so I didn't have to fuss with the whole teeth cleaning.
Now it's Monday morning and I called the dentist who wants to see me worried that I may have dry socket. And the thing is, I was so worried about all the bad reactions that I did everything perfect. No straws, no nose blowing, no soda.. I did everything right. However, I did note today that the side that hurts the most, is the tooth hole that I am having the hardest time cleaning. The bottom right side. I go in at 2:30 so look for an update later at the top of this post. You will know there is an update cause it will say update.
And a shout out to my husband who went above and beyond taking care of the house and kids. He did it all, on his own, which is never easy, and I thank him. And I love him. He even did more than was necessary. And took care of me.
PS-Brad, I hope I did not wake you when I called at 8:04 this morning.
Update: It is dry socket and the dentist numbed me up, the best I had felt in days, packed the hole full of nasty gunk, gave me another script for Vicodin and had me on my way. He also said not to worry that it wasn't my fault. He jokingly said it was a full moon that caused it. Feeling Great now, until the meds wear off. Then it's back to the hardcore stuff : )
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My Yummy Valentine.
Snow covered South Carolina.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Monday Love.
The hubby surprised me with a latte in the afternoon. It was a heart cup. That says it all.
I loved the quick snap I got of Ryan and Jason. Zachary was too fast for me yesterday on his tractor.
There is now less than 24 hours for me to cancel my wisdom tooth removal, scheduled for tomorrow at 820 a.m. Last night I dreamed about it. Yikes!
Jason is at school and the hubby is off for 8 days...
More photos on flickr.
Go Tuesday.. but NO rushing!
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Thursday, February 04, 2010
Thursday Evening.

Zachary's Dermatology Appointment: For now there is no need to worry about his mangeoma (sp?)unless it starts to change in size or appearance. But eventually it will need to be surgically removed because it will not go away on it's own. The doc said we would wait till he is older. Fine with me, since it is only 1" from his eye.
My Wisdom Teeth: So most of you know that I have been avoiding having them out since I was 16. I have had 3 scheduled surgery dates to get them out, but have always canceled, mostly due to fear of Global Warming or if I had a hang nail. I am not scared of the dentist, I am just not a fan of having four teeth ripped from my jaw
I really wonder how many readers I have lost that used to follow me to see scrap layouts? Considering I haven't scrapped or posted any work since October. I will do that to my to do list and try and get a few turned out and posted.
Jacques just took Jason to karate. He is testing out of the Cubs class and into the juniors. Jordyn- That means you and brother will be in the same class!
I have a Walmart list here with the following items: Saline Solution, dog treats, cereal, 2 milk and a bath mat. I will go once the boys are back.
Today Zachary 1.) Locked Ryan in his bedroom which I was able to pick open 2.) Locked my bedroom which I couldn't pick open. 3.) Bit Ryan 4.) Kept Ryan in a closet by bracing himself against the other side. 5.) Has needed more than five Band-Aids and has no visible signs of trauma anywhere.
I posted a few new photos to flickr, but my computer is still down.
Watched 3 new movies this week: Zombieland, 12 Rounds and Julie and Julia.
I talked to Mom and Lewis on the phone, ate McDonalds.
Tomorrow night we have a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. This family is a HUGE fan of Chuck E's.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Friday I read an 80 page short story that tore at my heart strings. That night I started a new novel, The Weight of Silence, and finished it on Monday. A quick 384 page read that I am recommending to Julie.
Last night, I went to bed, at nine after House, and started a new novel, Fireflies in December, and read 10% before my eyes gave out and I put it down. Today I am busy with babies, and my book is up to 20% read.
Saturday I spent $45 on diapers and wipes. I will need $20 more next week and the next week and so forth.
Sunday I didn't get out of the house or my pajamas.
This weekend, Jacques busted his butt painting the house. We got the dining room complete, the bathroom is 95% done, and Jason's room is all done. It looks great and photos will come later. The last project is the mud room.
Zachary has learned to blow spit bubbles and says, "watch." Then giggles when it pops. He also started saying, "Awesome" yesterday.
Jason seems to have grown taller overnight. Jacques and I both noticed. He is 47.5" tall.
I need to renew my flickr account by the 14th $24.95
On Sunday, Jacques made breakfast. Eggs, bacon and toast. He brought it to my attention that to feed the 5 of us, he used NINE eggs. I can't imagine how many dozens I will need when the 3 boys are teenagers. I may just buy a couple chickens.
This morning, Ryan woke up at 4:25. I gave him a cup of milk, and covered him up but it took handing him a train to get him to lay back down. He is still holding the same train and it is 9:37.
Tomorrow is Zachary's dermatology appointment.
Thinking Ahead in February: Wisdom Teeth, Lincoln and Ian's birthdays, karate belt testing, Valentine's Day, a birthday party, Jacques has a week of leave.. Life.