Surprisingly the procedure was easier than I thought. I kept my eyes closed so not to see any chainsaws that were likely part of the deal. However 3 of the teeth had a hook or an 90 degree angle, making them harder to rip out of my head. I posted one photo, but won't post the others. Yes, I kept the teeth. Afterward, full of blood and gauze, I went to Walgreens for my Rx, that also included an issue of Oprah and an ice pack.
When I got home, the hubby had made me a bed up on the couch and did laundry. He had even shampooed the other couch and some cushions. I rested all day, never really napping and definitely not reading. (I really thought I would be able to read and veg out. No. In fact, I didn't read until Saturday and just a handful of pages.)
The Catch 22 with the whole situation is that to take a pain pill you must eat, but if you eat, you have to syringe your mouth and holes out with salt water, gargle and then brush your teeth. The process takes a good 20 minutes every time. Not fun. It's a vishous cycle. Not to mention that the doc was out of the office Friday, so I knew I was on my own for the 3 days till Monday.
Thursday and Friday were the worst. I was taking Vicodin every 3-4 hours instead of the recommended one every 6 hours. I would do fine, until the meds would were off. Then it took at leas 45 minutes until the next would kick in so I would be really bad off those minutes. I also kept ice packs on each cheek, and even all the way up my to my ear. During the night, it would get so bad that I played mind games in bed to keep my focus off the pain. Not to mention Zachary kicked my cheek in the middle of the night, with his heel, causing more pain for another half hour.
Saturday I took my last Vicodin and started some Ibuprofen that I had in the house. I did really pretty good that day. But Sunday I was sore again and napped and went to bed early, after not eating so I didn't have to fuss with the whole teeth cleaning.
Now it's Monday morning and I called the dentist who wants to see me worried that I may have dry socket. And the thing is, I was so worried about all the bad reactions that I did everything perfect. No straws, no nose blowing, no soda.. I did everything right. However, I did note today that the side that hurts the most, is the tooth hole that I am having the hardest time cleaning. The bottom right side. I go in at 2:30 so look for an update later at the top of this post. You will know there is an update cause it will say update.
And a shout out to my husband who went above and beyond taking care of the house and kids. He did it all, on his own, which is never easy, and I thank him. And I love him. He even did more than was necessary. And took care of me.
PS-Brad, I hope I did not wake you when I called at 8:04 this morning.
Update: It is dry socket and the dentist numbed me up, the best I had felt in days, packed the hole full of nasty gunk, gave me another script for Vicodin and had me on my way. He also said not to worry that it wasn't my fault. He jokingly said it was a full moon that caused it. Feeling Great now, until the meds wear off. Then it's back to the hardcore stuff : )
Good for you for having them taken care of. Just think... they won't grow back, so you'll never have to go through this again. Hope the dentist will fix you up this afternoon!
i know you are glad thats over. im 30 and still have mine...they have never bothered me...i hope i dont have to go through that....
hope you start feeling better soon.
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