Zachary's Dermatology Appointment: For now there is no need to worry about his mangeoma (sp?)unless it starts to change in size or appearance. But eventually it will need to be surgically removed because it will not go away on it's own. The doc said we would wait till he is older. Fine with me, since it is only 1" from his eye.
My Wisdom Teeth: So most of you know that I have been avoiding having them out since I was 16. I have had 3 scheduled surgery dates to get them out, but have always canceled, mostly due to fear of Global Warming or if I had a hang nail. I am not scared of the dentist, I am just not a fan of having four teeth ripped from my jaw
I really wonder how many readers I have lost that used to follow me to see scrap layouts? Considering I haven't scrapped or posted any work since October. I will do that to my to do list and try and get a few turned out and posted.
Jacques just took Jason to karate. He is testing out of the Cubs class and into the juniors. Jordyn- That means you and brother will be in the same class!
I have a Walmart list here with the following items: Saline Solution, dog treats, cereal, 2 milk and a bath mat. I will go once the boys are back.
Today Zachary 1.) Locked Ryan in his bedroom which I was able to pick open 2.) Locked my bedroom which I couldn't pick open. 3.) Bit Ryan 4.) Kept Ryan in a closet by bracing himself against the other side. 5.) Has needed more than five Band-Aids and has no visible signs of trauma anywhere.
I posted a few new photos to flickr, but my computer is still down.
Watched 3 new movies this week: Zombieland, 12 Rounds and Julie and Julia.
I talked to Mom and Lewis on the phone, ate McDonalds.
Tomorrow night we have a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. This family is a HUGE fan of Chuck E's.
1 comment:
I don't know about food in his cheek. It looks more like he's saying,"yeah, whatever, just take the picture." LOL
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