Tuesday, December 07, 2010

An Update.

A quick update on Zachary... Surgery went well. The adenoids and tonsils are gone. His wake up period was rough, and then he slept for 2+ hours on me in his room. We got home around or after noon. Daddy kept Ryan, visited us quickly and picked up the Rxs.

He has slept almost the whole day away, minus being awake from 4-6. He's slow with the liquids, but ate an oatmeal creme cookie. He's taken 3 doses of meds; Motrin, an antibiotic and pain meds. He's been sleeping on me all day and I was just able to lay him in the bed at 630 ish after his first dose with codeine. I am hoping he sleeps well through the night and that his liquid intake picks up.

I am also hoping tomorrow goes well. Jacques will be back at work, and I will be home alone with both boys. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and chats today. Love you all, M

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like the little guy had a rough day as did mom. I knew you both would pull thru like champs.