Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sweet Puffballs, I love you.

These robin's eggs I have been watching for a few weeks. On Sunday, three of the four hatched. These are the first photos. On Monday, the fourth egg hatched and I have more photos to share of him too. I will continue monitoring these little puffballs as long as they are here. I also added text to my images in case National Geographic is interested : )

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Studmuffin in Spectacles.

Yesterday was Jason's yearly check up with the eye doctor. Surprisingly to me, he didn't do well with the nearsighted-ness. The doctor said that because Jason spends lots of time drawing or reading, that his eyes have adjusted to using them for close up purposes. But then that the eyes are worse when needing to see far off objects. He's prescription is very mild and as of now, he will only need to wear them at school and or when he needs to see far away, like at the theater. The doctor doesn't want him wearing them more than necessary because it will weaken his good eyesight and worsen the poor eyesight further. This is just a quick photo of the frame that he chose for himself. (We didn't get them from the eye doctor because the optical department closed before we were done with his appointment. Afterward we went to Walmart for milk and stopped in there optical center.) He chose a great frame, at a great easily replaceable price. These are going to be a great starter pair for such a handsome dude. Momma loves you Jason! Look for better photos on or around June 6 when the glasses will be in.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A scrapbook itch, and I'm Scratching it.

Four more pages from Wednesday : )

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rolling with Glue.

This past weekend I was cleaning up my studio shelves and took some time to flip thru some older albums. Whenever I slow down enough to go down memory lane, I skip several heartbeats at those photos, layouts and journaling. I remember those photos and events. I love that I brought them to life for me, and later my kids, buy scrapbooking them.. just some glue, dates and they take on something special.

Then it brings on the itchy hives of guilt and the last few months, and then the few months before that, where I gave up on saving those memories in scrapbook pages. It makes me feel awful to see just how few pages there are of the twins in the newer albums. Not to mention, the hubby is always randomly browsing my album (which I love) and commenting that I need to keep up with the hobby, as much as I can, for the family, along with my other pom-pom yielding cheerleader, on the scrapbook sidelines, B. Lewis. Love you guys!

All that mushy-ness, took me (and the hubby, along with his wallet) to Hobby Lobby 3 times this weekend. I only bought some new solid papers, and a new album for 2011. Everything was half off! I keep the pages organized by year. After all that shopping, I came home and put 3 pages, updated a few older albums, made the summer mini and set aside 2 smaller mini albums (like the summer one) to work on too.

Cheers! M

Monday, May 02, 2011

Dake Life.

Both boys are napping, I get to blog.

Easter. Still need to post photos here, but they are all on flickr. Did you see the videos? When the Easter egg hunt was over, Zachary sat down with his basket and with Ryan's basket. He'd take an egg from Ryan's basket, open it over his, dropping the candy in his, then pitch the empty, broken egg back into Ryan's basket.

Ryan is in love with bees right now. We have a whole bunch of bee hives down the road, and we have to drive past them everyday now, multiple times. Even though it is not on our way home. We also rented Bee Movie for him, but he's only watched the first half. He loves watching real life bee videos via You Tube on the ipad... and bowling.

This weekend was a library book sale. I spent $8 and got 16 books. Famous authors, well known books. My biggest score was The Clan of the Cave Bear book 1-5 for .50 each. They retail at $24.95 each still. Score.

I saw Water for Elephants yesterday.. It's an amazing book and a really good movie.

Friday Jason lost his 8th tooth and went on a field trip to the planetarium.

Saturday I took the boys swimming.

Sunday we took Jason shoe shopping. I bought a pair as well. It's not like I wasn't gonna take advantage of a BOGO sale. I also got a really nice swimsuit. I have been wearing the same one for the last 5 years, a maternity one I wore while pregnant with the twins, and continued wearing even though I have lost over 35 pounds. I really needed a new one, and with a waterpark summer vacation, Puerto Rico and Vegas in the fall, it's about time I did get one.