Saturday, May 28, 2011

Studmuffin in Spectacles.

Yesterday was Jason's yearly check up with the eye doctor. Surprisingly to me, he didn't do well with the nearsighted-ness. The doctor said that because Jason spends lots of time drawing or reading, that his eyes have adjusted to using them for close up purposes. But then that the eyes are worse when needing to see far off objects. He's prescription is very mild and as of now, he will only need to wear them at school and or when he needs to see far away, like at the theater. The doctor doesn't want him wearing them more than necessary because it will weaken his good eyesight and worsen the poor eyesight further. This is just a quick photo of the frame that he chose for himself. (We didn't get them from the eye doctor because the optical department closed before we were done with his appointment. Afterward we went to Walmart for milk and stopped in there optical center.) He chose a great frame, at a great easily replaceable price. These are going to be a great starter pair for such a handsome dude. Momma loves you Jason! Look for better photos on or around June 6 when the glasses will be in.

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