Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rolling with Glue.

This past weekend I was cleaning up my studio shelves and took some time to flip thru some older albums. Whenever I slow down enough to go down memory lane, I skip several heartbeats at those photos, layouts and journaling. I remember those photos and events. I love that I brought them to life for me, and later my kids, buy scrapbooking them.. just some glue, dates and they take on something special.

Then it brings on the itchy hives of guilt and the last few months, and then the few months before that, where I gave up on saving those memories in scrapbook pages. It makes me feel awful to see just how few pages there are of the twins in the newer albums. Not to mention, the hubby is always randomly browsing my album (which I love) and commenting that I need to keep up with the hobby, as much as I can, for the family, along with my other pom-pom yielding cheerleader, on the scrapbook sidelines, B. Lewis. Love you guys!

All that mushy-ness, took me (and the hubby, along with his wallet) to Hobby Lobby 3 times this weekend. I only bought some new solid papers, and a new album for 2011. Everything was half off! I keep the pages organized by year. After all that shopping, I came home and put 3 pages, updated a few older albums, made the summer mini and set aside 2 smaller mini albums (like the summer one) to work on too.

Cheers! M

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