Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Keep Calm and Mom On.

Friday the boys had their three year check ups, at 3.5 years. They each needed 4 immunizations in 3 injections to the thighs. Not fun, but I wasn't present. I let Daddy do the dirty work, while I stood out in the hall then rushed in to save them.

They are both 37" tall but Ryan is a little taller. Ryan is at the 9% percentile where his height is concerned and is at 25% with his weight at 32 lbs.

Zachary is 31 lbs which puts him in the 16% percentile and only at 6% with his weight.

Soooo basically they are runts.

I spoke to the doctor about Ryan's weird obsession with eating items such as chalk, rocks, dirt.. and she suspected he may be anemic and sent both boys down to the lad to have their blood taken.. again, not fun. If you are counting, that's 8 needles.

Ryan went in first with daddy. From the waiting room, Zach and I heard him start to cry after the prick and Zach looks at me, says, "I don't wanna do that." But he did and was a champ.

Ryan feel asleep right away on the drive. I picked up Jason and took him and Zach for ice cream. It was not a pleasant weekend. Ryan had a bad reaction to the shots and was not himself until Sunday afternoon. No fun.

Here it is Tuesday and the results are in, the doctor called me herself. Both boys are anemic. Their blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells, and their iron levels are low. Normal is more than 11 and they are at 7. They will be on a prescription meds given twice a day. There will be a lot of diet change too, including a lot less milk.

In 8 weeks, they will need to have their blood drawn and tested again.

This mom is an upset mess.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I'm sorry Mandy! Hang in there. Anemia can be fixed. You're a great mother! And as for runts, I mean look at Jacque. The boys didn't have a chance for heighth!