Monday, January 14, 2008

6 weeks

Seriously are they already that old? Wow! Time sure flies when you are having fun. So about the boys right now. Both are starting to fit into more of their clothes and they have both grown out of their preemie sizes. They are in size one diapers. Both still love baths. And they are sleeping pretty good during the nights.

Ryan is still a ham. He can drink almost a full four ounces when he is really hungry. He is really good at holding his head up. You can tell he weights a lot more than Zachary when you pick him up. Ryan is great about spitting up all over his dad : )

Zachary is still a lot smaller than Ryan. He still drinks 2 ounces and if the flow of the milk is too fast, he about drowns in it. We are working on saying "Momma" but not much progress yet.

And a Jason update too: He will be turning 5 on Thursday the 17th and is way excited. We are having his party at a play place. He hasn't decided on his cake yet, but we sent out Spidey invitations. Also last night we were filling out the invitations and he asked who one was for and I said Hannah. Then he said, "Hannah is a pretty girl." This is the first time he has mentioned anything about a girl being pretty. Then we were talking about his friend Josh and how they don;t sit at the same table any more at school and he said, "I miss my old pal Josh." Hehehh.. where does he get these cute sayings?

1 comment:

julieann said...

Before long they will be chatting up a storm, then the next thing you know they will want to look at magazines alone at B&N.....