So here it is. Our first report card. Daddy got it first, not me and he bragged. We were both excited as two parents can be.. Here is what he got EXCELLENTS in. Reading Readiness: recognizes own name, recognizes alphabet, works from left to right, shows interests in books, understands counting order, recognizes 1-10, identifies shapes and sizes, knows alphabet in sequence, expresses ideas well, uses adequate vocabulary, speaks in complete sentences, tells a story in sequence, can print name, can print alphabet in sequence. Physical Development: dresses self, pastes neatly, controls pencil/scissors well, run/jump/climb well, can catch/bounce/throw, exhibits sufficient stamina. Art: eager to explore art media, imaginative with art materials, identifies color/shape/sizes. Music: shows enthusiasm for music, enjoys singing. Social Development: plays well with others, has made friends, shares and takes turns, is happy, is courteous, displays self control, respects property of others. Work Habits: observes rules, follows directions, has good attention span, works neatly, completes activities promptly, works well independently, uses materials correctly, takes care of materials, cleans up after work, finishes what has been started, value own work, is observant, is curious.
And now the satisfactory or what would be an A minus. In Language Development on "speaks clearly" something we already knew. He has a slight lisp that will take care of itself. In Physical Development on "able to relax" Again my fault, such a nervous person. In Social Development under "accepts school routine" "shows self confidence" and "adjusts easily to new situations".. I agree with all of these and thought the teacher was dead on for pointing them out. And under Work Habits "seeks help when needed" Hmmmmmmmm.. I would of thought he'd ask for help when needed. But no Biggie.
Well now that all of you who read this far are bored, I apologize.
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