Sunday, October 10, 2010

Christmas in October.

The only thing on Jason's Christmas list was a dirt bike. We have been talking about it for a while, but one came up for sale, at a great price. And while I was thinking more about trying to fit the bike under the tree.. Daddy was happy to spoil the kid (and take the credit) right away. So Jason got his bike and surprising me, he took of on it the first try and has been riding non-stop ever since. I was really surprised by how naturally it came to him. I guess learning to steer all those Power Wheels helped him a lot.

Oh and did I mention that Momma and the boys love the bike a lot too? Yeah. We do.. FYI- All the kids wear helmets when the ride. Ryan and I were just posing for some photos in these shots. There's a bunch of new photos from the week on flickr and look later, here, for a short video of Evil Knievel Jason riding the bike.

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