Friday, January 23, 2009

coffee, credit and commitment.

Wow. Hooray for Friday. I began my morning at 635, not too bad. I woke up in the recliner with two babies asleep on me. By 730, I had kids' toothpastes, Zachary snot, and cookie smeared on my shirt. Jacques took Jason to school.

Then I got my headgear and knee pads on ready to fight with the cable company who overcharged me $43 dollars. The guy on the phone says, "We didn't overcharge you $43. We overcharged you $78." Well Hello, Bill Credit. Cha-Ching.Thanks! That made my morning better even though I was still covered in snot and drool.

This weekend I am committed to working on our master bath. The floor is still bare and we are ready to sheet rock the bottom half of the wall. Then we need to tile and reset the toilet. Not sure what we will do with the tubs tile.. Hey Jeff, Where are you?

The babies are napping. I am chuggin' down the bottom half of the coffee pot and ready to roll. We have no plans today except for Karate. By the way, Jason earned another stripe and will soon test for a white belt with a yellow stripe.

More Later Hugs : )

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