Sunday, January 25, 2009

the week in photo review.

1. Broke. One of my most favorite Precious Moments people. This is what happens when you let your hubby move the boxes marked FRAGILE. 2. A Prized Possession. I found this book years ago at the Goodwill for a quarter. It is of my favorite soap, All My Children. Book By Agnes Nixon. 3. Three Trips to Starbucks this week. Thanks Again Aunt Jaine. 4. 221 Lego's pieces ready to assemble. Friday. 5. The finished Lego Project. 6. Real Moms Make Forts. Tuesday Night 7. Latest Read. Finished. 8. The boys helping Dad move a box. 9. Ryan in Jason's old hat. He loves hats! 10. Jason playing the Wii. 11. Zachary TODAY. Sunday eating.

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