Friday, January 02, 2009

Jordyn's Christmas.

This year for Christmas, we took Jordyn to get her ears pierced, again! She was ready for the 2nd set of holes. (Brave Girl, I still only have one set.) We took her when she was 4 to get them done the first time. No tears, she just demanded ice cream afterwards.

Anyway, her Mom text me that she had been wanting the second set done. So the very next day, we took her (along with the Lewis clan) and had them done at Claries. The photo is the after photo. She is checking them out in the mirror. Again no tears...

EXCEPT FROM JASON! He was so upset after they were done, not during, AFTER. He cried hysterically saying, "You shouldn't have done that." I explained to him that Sissy wanted it and that she was fine. I even had her confirm it. I guess he was just super worried about her. It was really cute. I had to bribe him with a toy to calm him down, poor kid. Maybe he thought his ears were next.

Way to Go, Jorydn, love having you around to poke! Hugs.

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