Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Georgia Auqarium.

Awww.. The Georgia Aquarium, the world's largest aquarium. We took of early on Monday morning and made the drive there. It was AMAZING and HUGE! They had it all. We saw squid, whale sharks, belugas, rays and everything else. The aquarium is listed in the book 1000 Places to See Before You Die. One thing marked off, 999 to go. That would be some To Do list, huh? So the last picture is really bad, but the manta ray swam up soooo fast and was soooo amazingly huge and beautiful, but this was the only shot I got of him. This is the ONLY manta in captivity in the US. Here is the link to their website Georgia Aquarium for more fun info about the museum and more photos. So going back for another visit or two. Next time we will also visit the Coke Bottling Plant which is also suppose to be magnificent.

Watch the Manta Video, Click here.. Manta Video

The boys LOVED the place. It was too busy to let them down to run, but they had their share of strapped-to-the-stroller kinda fun. I loved the squid and belugas. Jason favorite was the manta ray, maybe mine too.

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