Monday, January 05, 2009

Property Tax and Soccer Registration.

Hello, Monday.. Welcome Back to reality. If you have not guessed by the clever title what I am up to today, let me tell you.. Paying Property Taxes in the sum of $466.00 and organizing the spring soccer teams.

Here at the Dakes: Zachary is napping, Ryan is wondering and Jason is on the Wii. We had leftovers for lunch after Jacques picked up Jason from school. I watched The Dark Knight today, twice and loved it. I am trying to get this scrap space set up so that, one day, I may be able to create again. Zachary is still not sleeping at night and either Jacques or I are out in the living room with him all night or in shifts. Ryan sleeps silently through the entire night. Both babies are due for their 2nd flu shot and blood draws, so that is what I am planning tomorrow.

Who would of thought that you'd have to vacuum brand new carpet?

And dishes always need done.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

glad your back. SS about Zach. Has he been tested for Acid Reflux? i would try and raise his mattress with a blanket or an extra pillow.

Miss seeing your work girlie!