Monday, January 12, 2009

what they don't teach in home ec

Jason is loving karate. He has already been to 2 classes and has another one tonight. He is the smallest kid there! They put him in with the juniors instead of the cubs. At the end of the 2 weeks, we will decide if he can hang with the juniors or needs to be a cub. Isn't he darling in that outfit? LOVE IT.

Update on Lola, although she remains gone, I spoke with the Law. Our neighbors to the North, had their vehicle broken in to last night. They were not so lucky as to just losing a GPS. Their car was ripped to shreds and EVERYTHING was gone. Including Cds, a laptop and the stereo. We both filed reports. Then she told me, "Welcome to the neighborhood."

As a first time home owner, I am finding out there are a lot of things I never had to fret about as a renter. I am now facing those issues...

Where do I store extra linens? The guest room, in closets or up in the attic?

Which dishes go where? Do cups go closest to the sinks? And what about all the dry goods, On a shelf or under a cupboard? Where do I keep the junk drawer now?

What about all those extra craft supplies? They ALL can't fit in the office.. Can I put file boxes with important info in the attic?

Where do I keep our bowling balls?


Shawna said...

As an expert mover, here is what I suggest...
1. put the extra linens in the guest room with a sign that says "please change the linens before you leave"
2. put the styrofoam plates on the bottom shelf and on top of the dishes for easy access
3. put the PLASTIC cups in the cabinet by the sink. Glasses belong on the higher shelves-to be used for guests only.
4. dry goods should go up above, unless you want the boys to remind you daily of what you have!
5. junk drawer...I don't have one of those (I have one in the kitchen and one in the laundry room!)
6. extra crafts should ALL go in the office. Any of Jacques' stuff can go in the hall closet or garage.
7. the file boxes of important stuff should be crammed in the same hall closet as Jacques' stuff-he doesn't need that much room!
8. the bowling balls can go in the attic.
Hope this is helpful!

Aunt Janie said...

How adorable!!!!


Aunt Janie

Unknown said...


THose metal closet organizers from Lowe's or some place like that would be great in your office for craft supplies. \

Love ya LEWIS

Unknown said...


Ask Martha, she always knows.