Saturday, January 24, 2009

fender bender.

Seriously, what a way to start the day. At nine this morning, we were rear ended. HARD. The kids and I were stopped at a red light. WHAM! Some lady hit us.. She said, "Oh I thought I had came to a stop so I was sorting coupons." WTF? Are you kidding me? Does it look like we are at Kroger? That's not a shopping cart! IT's called a stop light, lady. Grrrrrrrr.. Everyone was fine and this time I didn't bother to report it. She seemed grateful. There was a tiny bit of damage to the van, but nothing to fret over. You may have forgot, but 5 months ago, I was rear ended too..


~Sophia & Noah's Mommy~ said...

I just love your posts. :O) LOL Thank you for being such a great writer.

~Sophia & Noah's Mommy~ said...

I just love your posts. :O) LOL Thank you for being such a great writer.