Saturday, September 15, 2007

soccer stud.

Woooohoooooooo! What a STUD! Jason played an excellent game! He was the goaly for the first half and stopped the ball twice.. He was brenched in sweat and water.. What a champ! They all played a great game and were exhausted.

Then we went to Chuck E. Cheese, played lots of games, chowed down on some pizza, pop and cinnamon sticks... I think he won 50 some odd tickets..

And then this.. seriously, who can sleep like this?? OUCH! Hello, neck pain! Kids are resilient, I guess and at some point he got set up right again and I was able to lay his seat back..


Dawn Bibbs said...

Too cute! I've got a soccer star too. But she's more of a princess than a :-)

Grandma Sarah said...

Way to go soccer stud. Sleep well also.